Chapter 38

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*At the station*

*Angela tells Lucy to wait in Tim's office*

Angela : *to Nyla* We should order an arrest if you know where he is
Nyla : it won't be necessary
Angela : why ? Is he gone ?
Nyla : nope, he's here, in an interrogation room. We waited for you to question him, but first, Lucy has to tell if it was really him at the beach
Angela : I'll ask her if she's ready
Nyla : we shouldn't force her, she's still weak
Angela : I'll just ask if she want to do it, if she's not ready, then we'll have to make him confess

*Angela goes to Tim's office. Lucy is sitting on the chair behind Tim's desk. She has switched on the computer, and now, she's looking at the wallpaper screen, it's a photo of Tim and her on the Hollywood Boulevard*

Angela : hey Lucy
Lucy : *wipes away a tear* did you order the arrest ?
Angela : it's not necessary, Stephen is already here, in an interrogation room
Lucy : re... really ?
Angela : yeah, and I need to ask you something
Lucy : what ?
Angela : Are you ready to see him to say if it was really him on the beach?
Lucy : yes, yes I am, I wanna help Tim
Angela : then if you're ready, we'll go with Nyla and Grey
Lucy : okay

*They go to the interrogation room, Grey and Nyla are already there. They are behind the glass so the man can't see them*

Grey : are you sure you're ready Chen ?
Lucy : I am *she enters the room*

*Lucy looks through the window. She's angry. She bursts into the room where Stephen is*

Lucy : you, that's you, you wanted to kill my boyfriend

*Angela, Grey and Nyla run to her. Angela catches her, she struggles*

Stephen : *laughs* I'm glad I got him, I wanted to kill both of you, so obviously I failed
Lucy : you son of a...
Angela : whoa whoa whoa, take it easy Lucy, come with me

*They get out of the interrogation room, leaving Stephen, alone, handcuffed*

*Angela brings Lucy back to Tim's office*

Angela : why did you do that Lucy ?
Lucy : *bursts in tears, falls on her knees. Her crutches fall to the ground*
Angela : *kneels near Lucy. Takes her in her arms* hey it's okay. Get up, let's sit on the couch. *She helps her sit on the couch, she sits next to her, she hugs her tight and rubs her arm*

*Lucy can't talk*

Angela : everything's gonna be fine, he confessed
Lucy : *still crying* I... I wanted to kill him... He hurt Tim... *cries more*
Angela : don't worry, I'll question him

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