Chapter 79

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*8 a.m.*

*A nurse enters the room and opens the blind*

Tim : mmhh
Nurse : I'm sorry to wake you up but you have to be ready at 9:45 for when your friends come to pick you up, page me if you need something
Tim : *half asleep* thank you

*The nurse leaves*

Lucy : *still asleep on Tim's chest*
Tim : *kisses her head* Lucy baby, it's time to wake up, we have to get ready for when Angela and Wesley come to pick us up to go to the Court
Lucy : mmhh I'm tired
Tim : yeah I know, me too, we didn't sleep well, but at least the trial ends today
Lucy : yes

*Lucy and Tim straighten up, stretch and eat their breakfast*

Lucy : I'm gonna take a shower and get ready while you finish your breakfast
Tim : okay

*40 minutes later, Lucy comes out of the bathroom, she's ready*

Tim : wahou your so beautiful
Lucy : *smiles* thank you, you're so cute, but I can't close my dress, can you help me?
Tim : sure, come here
Lucy : *gets closer to Tim and turns back*
Tim : I... I can't grab the zipper, it's too small, I'm sorry
Lucy : *turns to Tim* don't worry babe, I should have known, I'll ask Angela when she'll pick us up. Now it's time for you to get ready

*Tim is getting ready, he puts his suit on but he struggles to close the buttons*

Tim : fucking buttons, there're too small
Lucy : hey don't get angry, let me help you
Tim : I'm sorry, it's because of stress
Lucy : yeah I know *she helps Tim to close his shirt and put his collar on correctly*
Tim : thank you
Lucy : you're beautiful too
Tim : *kisses her* everything's gonna be fine
Lucy : *nods* I hope
Tim : *hugs her*
Angela : of course everything's gonna be fine
Lucy : hey Angela, Wesley, we didn't hear you enter
Angela : surprise *laughs*
Lucy : Angela, can I ask you something ?
Angela : of course
Lucy : can you help me close my dress
Angela : obviously
Tim : I didn't succeed, the zip was too thin
Angela : don't worry I can do it
Tim : what time is it ?
Wesley : 9:15 a.m., we are a little early

*A doctor enters the room*

Doctor : excuse me for bothering you. *To Wesley and Angela* Are you Ms. Lopez and Mr. Evers?
Angela : yes we are
Doctor: can one of you come with me to sign Mr. Bradford's final temporary release papers?
Wesley : I'm coming

*Wesley leaves the room with the doctor*

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