Chapter 3

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*Everyone is returned to the station. They are reunited in roll call*

Grey : Everyone listens, one of our officers has been shot and kidnapped, I need all agents on this case. I'll let Detective Angela Lopez tell you how to process it.
Angela : okay so I went to the location with a team to find some clues about the men who took Lucy Chen. For the moment, we only know that they were 2 white men. My team took traces of DNA and are looking if the men are known by the police. Does anyone know something more ?
John : Thorsen said that the men measure about 175-180cm.
Angela : Thanks officer Nolan. If anyone has more information, you must report it. Thanks everyone.

*Everyone leaves the room, except Tim, Angela, John, Grey and Nyla*

Angela : *notices that Tim has tears in his eyes* hey Tim, we're gonna find her soon, and once we'll get 'em Wesley will make sure they won't see the daylight again.
Grey : *to Tim* Bradford, you should take your day off and get some rest.
Tim : No, I wanna help find her, I need to find her, I can't stay at home, doing nothing, knowing that my girlfriend is in danger somewhere.

*Lucy has been kidnapped since a week*

*Tim is at Lucy's apartment with Angela et Nyla. The women wanted Tim to sleep a bit, as he hadn't close his eyes since Lucy disappeared*

*Angela and Nyla are in the kitchen with some maps, looking for places where Lucy could be*

*Tim is in the bedroom, crying, lying in the bed, holding the T-shirt Lucy wore the last time she was here*

Angela : *opens the door of the room* Do you wanna drink or eat something ?

Tim : *without looking at Angela* no.

*Angela knows he's crying but doesn't know what to do*

Angela : *to Nyla* I don't know what I can do to help him.
Nyla : we need to find Lucy, that's the only thing that will confort him.

*Nyla knocks at the bedroom's door*

Nyla : Tim ?!
*No response, she opens the door and notices that Tim is sleeping*

Nyla : *to Angela* he's sleeping
Angela : Finally, he absolutely needs some sleep.

*After 30 minutes, Nyla and Angela got a phone call from Sergeant Grey*

Grey : the detective team has found who are the men, they weren't known by our services but are related to Rosalind.
Angela : do we know where they are ?
Grey : not yet but I think we're closed to know. Can you guys come to the station ?
Angela : I can't, Tim's finally asleep, I have to look after him.
Nyla : if Angela stays here, I can come, I'll inform her by texts.
Grey : meet me in my office when you arrive at the station Harper.
Nyla : will do.

*Nyla leave the apartment. Angela sits on the couch texting with her husband, Wesley*

*By text*
Angela to Wesley : we know who are the guys
Wesley : what are their names ?
Angela : idk, grey didn't tell me, but Nyla went to the station, we should know in a moment.
Wesley : we know where they're hiding Lucy ?
Angela : not yet, hope we'll know soon
Wesley : how's Tim ?
Angela : he was crying, but hopefully he's sleeping
Wesley : that's good he need to get some rest.
Angela : *hears Tim having a nightmare* gotta go, Tim's not good, love u
Wesley : bye, love u too.

*Angela goes to Tim's bedroom and sees him in a bad state, having a horrible nightmare*

Tim : *sleeping* Lucy, where are you... There you are... Grab my hand... No Lucy... Noooooo

*Angela puts her hand on Tim's shoulder*

Angela : Tim it's okay wake up, you're having a nightmare.

*Tim wakes up, sits down in the bed trying to catch his breath*

Tim : she... She was here and... And...
Angela : *hugs Tim* ssshhhh it's okay
Tim : *slowly coming back to reality* how long have I been asleep ?
Angela : less than an hour, you should go back to sleep, you need it.
Tim : no, I wanna find Lucy
Angela : Grey called Nyla and I. He told us that the team find the identity of the guys. Nyla went to the station, she was supposed to text me their names but she hasn't yet.
Tim : I go to the station.
Angela : you can't drive in your condition, I'm driving you.

*They both go to the station and reunite with Grey and Nyla.*

Grey : Tim, already awake
Tim : what are the names of the guys ?
Grey : Caleb and Chris, they are related to Rosalind Dyer and they...

*Nolan interrupts the Sergeant*

John : we know where she is.
Tim : where ?
John : apparently they left LA and are now in the Great Canyon
Grey : we leave now. *Over the radio* I need everyone to listen, we found where Lucy Chen might be, I need sergeant Bradford, detective Lopez, agent Harper, agent Nolan, and 3 more units to come with me to the location.

*They all leave the station super fast*

*Tim is in a car with Angela*

Angela : told you we would find her
Tim : I hope she's really there

*They arrive at the location, they see an abandonned house, they all goes straight to it with all the equipment (guns, bulletproof vests...). They see Caleb and Chris*


Caleb : *proud of him* you won't find the girl


*Grey barely has time to finish his sentence before the two men shoot each other*

Grey : they're dead.
Tim : *running to them* No, no, no, they were our only chance to find Lucy.

*Tim hits the wall and hurt his left hand*
*Angela comes to him*

Angela : Tim don't hurt yourself, we'll find a way to find her, we know she is somewhere here.

*Tim bursts into tears in Angela's arms, he was so happy to find her but now, he has lost all hope*

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