Chapter 84

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*At Wesley and Angela's place*

John : Are you sure you don't want us to find a restaurant instead to avoid getting everything dirty here ?
Wesley : no it's fine, come in
Angela : plus, it's better for Tim and Lucy to be in a quiet place, doctor's orders
John : okay then

*Everyone goes into the house*

Angela : make yourself at home, Wesley and I ordered some pizzas
James : What time should we go back to the Court ?
Wesley : It starts again at 3 p.m. so we will leave around 2:45 p.m.
James : no problem

*12:20, the delivery man arrives with the pizzas*

Wesley : Everyone at the table, we eat

*They eat and talk about everything*

*At the end of the meal, Angela notices that Tim is not in good shape*

Angela : Tim, you don't look fine
Tim : no I'm okay
Angela : did you take your meds ?
Lucy : he did, I reminded him
Angela : great. Wouldn't you like to go lie down a bit before going back to court?
Tim : no don't worry
Angela : in any case the room is ready for this evening so you can go and relax for a bit with Lucy, it's not because you're going to rest a little that others will think you're weak
Tim : okay

*Angela leads them to the guest room*

Angela : we leave at 2:45 p.m. so I'll pick you up at 2:30 p.m., time to get ready in peace, does that suit you? That leaves you a little over 1 hour 45 minutes to rest.
Lucy : thank you Angela
Angela : see you later

*Angela leaves the room*

*Lucy helps Tim into bed and lies down on the other side*

Lucy : *puts her head on Tim's chest. After a few minutes, she breaks the silence* I'm going to take a little nap I think
Tim : *no answer*
Lucy : *looks at him* you're already sleeping *she rests her head on Tim's chest, snuggles against him and falls asleep*

*In the living room*

Nyla : *to Angela* where are Tim and Lucy ?
Angela : in the guest room I told them to go lie down for a bit, Tim looked very tired
Nyla : oh okay

*14:25 p.m.*

*Angela and Nyla are talking in the kitchen with Luna*

Angela : it's time for me to wake up Tim and Lucy
Nyla : I'm coming with you

*Angela and Nyla knock on the door*

Angela : they must still be sleeping

*She opens the door. Nyla and Angela see Tim and Lucy sleeping, cuddled together*

Nyla : aww, they're so cute
Angela : let me take a picture

*Angela takes a pic of Tim and Lucy and sends them*

Nyla : I'll let you wake them up, I'll go back to the living room, it's not nice to see a whole bunch of people around you when you wake up

*Nyla leaves the room*

*Angela sits on the bed next to Tim*

Angela : Tim, Lucy, it's time to wake up
Lucy and Tim : *asleep*
Angela : *puts her hand on Lucy's arm* we're leaving in not long
Lucy : *opens her eyes* sorry I didn't hear you come in
Angela : it's okay Lucy don't worry, we're leaving soon
Lucy : Tim wake up
Tim : *asleep*
Lucy : *strokes his cheek* Tim, it's time to wake up
Tim : *still asleep*
Angela : try to kiss him to wake him up like Sleeping Beauty
Lucy : *laughs* let's try *she kisses him*
Tim : mmh
Lucy : babe time to wake up
Tim : *has difficulty opening his eyes* is it time yet?
Angela : yes Tim, I'm sorry to wake you up
Tim : it's okay *rubs his eyes*
Angela : I'll let you wake up peacefully, we'll see you in the living room in 10 minutes
Lucy : thank you

*Angela leaves the room*

Lucy : I don't wanna go back to the Court
Tim : at least it'll be over in a few hours
Lucy : yes

*Lucy and Tim return to the living room*

Tim : where are the others ?
Angela : They just went back to court, are you ready?
Lucy : yes
Wesley: let's go

*They go to the car*

*Lucy looks at her phone, she sees a text from Angela, she opens it and sees the photo*

Lucy : Angela, you took a picture of us
Angela : yeah, you were so cute
Tim : let me see
Lucy : *shows Tim*
Tim : even when you sleep you are beautiful
Wesley : alright lovers, we arrived

*They go back to the courtroom where the others are already, they take their place from this morning and wait for the judge and DA*

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