Chapter 33

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*In the night*

Lucy : *asleep* mmhh Tim you... you shouldn't eat that... Mmhh... No babe... Mmhh... That... That'll kill you... Mmhh... N... Noooooo *wakes up panting. She breathes heavily* Tim, I need you, I can't even sleep without you.

*She stays awake all the rest of the night in Tim's office*

*The next day*

*Angela is sleeping on her desk, Nyla too, they worked all night to find some evidence*

Wesley : *kisses Angela's neck* that's not the best position to sleep
Angela : *half asleep* mmmhhh Wesley ?
Wesley : I brought the breakfast
Angela : *still has her head on her desk* what time is it ?
Wesley : 9 a.m. Until what time did you work with Nyla ?
Angela: last time I watched the clock, it was 7:30
Wesley : You should go home and get some sleep
Angela : nope, we have Lucy's questioning to do. But first, I need a hug
Wesley : At your orders Detective Lopez, come here
Angela : *stands up and snuggles into Wesley's arms*
Wesley : *strokes her head and kisses it*
Angela : I'm worried for Tim you know
Wesley : I know
Angela : he's my best friend, I can't lose him
Wesley : *takes Angela's head in his hands* look at me, I'm sure he's gonna make it, okay
Angela : *nods yes* thank you for being here
Wesley : *smiles and kisses her forehead* now, let's do Lucy's questioning

*Angela wakes up Nyla and they go to Tim's office*

Angela : hey Lucy, how are you ?
Lucy : I don't know, I'm sorry for yesterday, I fell asleep while waiting for Wesley. You should have woken me up
Angela : you need to sleep Lucy. Questioning could wait
Nyla : are you ready ?
Lucy : I think so

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