Chapter 19

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*Lucy struggles, Tim wakes up*

Tim : *hug Lucy tightly so she doesn't get hurt* hey hey hey it's okay, you're at home, you're safe, I'm here
Lucy : *still asleep, cries* no I won't do that for you... No... My friends will find me... No... No... Don't hurt 'em... No... Don't touch Tim... I'll do whatever you want... But promise me to not hurt him...
Tim : Lucy wake up, please, you're gonna hurt yourself struggling like that
Lucy : *opens her eyes and notices she's in Tim's arms* where... Where are they ?
Tim : they can't hurt you, remember, they died
Lucy : *Burst in tears*
Tim : *cuddles her*

*After 20 minutes without a word*

Tim : you have to eat and drink something, what do you want ?
Lucy : nothing, I'm not hungry
Tim : remember what the doctor said. I'm going to order something

*Tim takes his phone and orders something, Lucy has her head resting on his chest, staring into space, hearing Tim's calm heartbeat soothes her*

Tim: the delivery man should arrive within half an hour. How's your foot ?
Lucy : *raises the shoulders*
Tim : it hurts ?
Lucy : *nods no*
Tim : that's a good point

*Tim strokes Lucy's head while waiting for their lunch*

*30 minutes later*

*Ding dong*

Tim: Oh here's our meal

*Tim lies Lucy back on the bed*

Tim : I'm gonna open the door, wait for me here *he kisses her cheek before going to the door*

*Tim comes back to the room with the food*

Tim: here's your food, veggie burger with fries, extra pickles
Lucy : *smiles*
Tim : that's what you took every time we were on patrol together when you were my boot
Lucy : you remember
Tim : *sits in front of her* of course I do, how could I forget ?
Lucy : *kisses Tim on the lips* thank you
Tim : c'mon eat, it's gonna be cold. Don't forget your meds
Lucy : I can't forget, you always remember me to take 'em
Tim : I don't like you being in pain *strokes her cheek and looks at her bandages* We'll have to change your bandages
Lucy : *nods yes*
Tim : and after that, do you want to go to the beach, to get some fresh air ?
Lucy : but you don't like the beach
Tim : I know, but you like it and I love you
Lucy : I love you too

*They eat their food. Lucy doesn't finish her meal*

Lucy : I can't eat more
Tim : It doesn't matter, you ate a little, that's the main thing. But...
Lucy : you want me to drink more
Tim : exactly, you're still a bit dehydrated
Lucy : I know *she drinks a glass of water*
Tim : great, now lie down, I'll check your wounds

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