Chapter 39

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*10 minutes later, Grey enters the room, he doesn't say anything. Angela knows why he's here, she nods no to say that Lucy is not well so she (Angela) can't question Stephen now. He leaves the office, closing the door behind him*

*Lucy cries for an hour before falling asleep in Angela's arms. Angela lies her on the couch in Tim's office, and leaves the room*

*She looks for Grey and Nyla to question Stephen*

*On her way, she meets Wesley*

Wesley : Nyla told me Lucy was not good after seeing Stephen
Angela : in fact she's not, she cried for an hour before falling asleep. She's in Tim's office. Can you go take a look at her from time to time while I question Stephen ?
Wesley : of course
Angela : thanks I gotta go

*Wesley goes to Tim's office to check on Lucy. She's still sleeping. Wesley gets a blanket from his car and puts it on Lucy. He leaves the office, switching off the light and closing the door*

*Angela is questioning Stephen. Grey and Nyla are behind the window*

Angela : alright, let me read you your rights. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to be represented by a lawyer, If you do not have the means, we will assign one to you automatically. Do you understand ?
Stephen : I do
Angela : do you want a lawyer ?
Stephen : yes
Angela : *looks to the window* bring a public defender please

*2 minutes later*

*An attorney enters the room*

Lawyer : good afternoon, I'm Matthew "Matt" Murdock attorney at law, nothing to do with the alter ego of the masked vigilante Daredevil
Angela : good afternoon Mr. Murdock, I'm detective Angela Lopez, your client is Stephen Romanoff, you can sit next to him. I've already told him his rights.
Matt : alright, we can start then

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