Chapter 32

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*6:30 pm*

*Lucy is sitting on the couch of Tim's office. On the desk, she sees a picture, she takes it and she notices that it's a picture of Tim and her. In this selfie, Lucy kisses Tim on the cheek, he smiles while taking the photo. It's her favorite one, she has it on her lock screen. That day, they were picnicking in a forest, that was the day they said "I love you" to each other for the first time, even though they were already dating. They were happy in this pic. She keeps looking at it while laying on the couch. She has tears rolling over her face, thinking about Tim and the fact that he'll probably won't wake up and be as happy as he was in the photo. She falls asleep, thinking of all the good time she spent with Tim and holding the picture next to her heart.

*45 minutes later*

*Wesley arrives at the station*

Wesley : Ange, I'm here, where is Lucy ?
Angela : Hey Wes *she kisses him* she's waiting in Tim's office. Is your immediate court appearance case already over?
Wesley : yes, you know, this kind of trial is very fast, we already have all the proofs.
Angela : yeah right
Wesley : let's go find Lucy
Angela : I'll grab her a coffee first

*They go to the break room to grab some coffee, then Angela and Wesley go to Tim's office*

*They enter in the room*

Angela : oh Lucy's sleeping
Wesley : can't we wait until tomorrow for the report?
Angela : I guess it's better. She needs to sleep.

*They leave the room and shut the door*

Angela : I'm sorry for bothering you for nothing
Wesley : don't worry for that
Angela : you should go home
Wesley : I'm waiting for you
Angela : I'll stay here tonight, I wanna start the investigation
Wesley : but Lucy didn't say anything yet
Angela : I was there when she talked to the doctor about what happened
Wesley : You heard a discussion between a doctor and his patient's trusted person, this isn't within the legal framework, you won't be able to have a warrant or anything else
Angela : I know that, but if I wanna save time, I can do some research
Wesley : please Ange, don't do anything illegal, we've enough problem for now
Angela : I promise, Wes. Now go to sleep, I love you
Wesley : I love you too, I keep my phone on, call me if you need anything
Angela : thank you
Wesley : bye *kisses her and leaves the station*

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