Chapter 52

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*Knock knock knock*

*The doctor enters the room*

Doctor : Mrs Chen I have your x-ray results
Angela : I'n gonna wait in the hallway
Lucy : no please stay Angela
Angela : okay
Doctor : so your foot is not broken anymore, we will take your cast off and you will start the rehabilitation sessions today. Do you have any questions?
Lucy : no that's fine thank you Doctor

*He leaves the room, a nurse arrives to take Lucy to a room to remove her cast*

Lucy : Angela, can you come with me ? I don't wanna be alone
Angela : if it's possible, of course
Nurse : yes you can
Angela : thank you

*The nurse puts Lucy in a room*

Nurse : okay so I will take your cast off. For that, I will use a cast saw, it will make some noise but it can't hurt you
Lucy : *nods*

*The nurse starts to cut the cast. Lucy frowns, she's a bit scared. She begins to cry*

Angela : Lucy, it's okay don't worry
Lucy : the sound... It...

*Lucy has a panic attack*

Angela : *to the nurse* excuse me, we can take a break
Nurse : yes, I'm coming back in 15 minutes, call me if you need something
Angela : thank you

*She leaves the room*

Angela : Lucy, take a deep breath
Lucy : I... I... Can't... I can't breathe
Angela : Follow my breathing
Lucy : *bursts in tears*
Angela : *hugs her, rubs her back* What puts you in this state ?
Lucy : the sound, it reminds me of a sound I heard when Caleb and Chris abducted me
Angela : don't worry, nothing bad can happen to you here. Let's do something while the nurse takes the cast off. I'll sit next to you and if you need you can squeeze my hand, okay
Lucy : *nods*

*The nurse comes back*

Nurse: can we continue
Lucy : *wipes away some tears* yes

*The nurse turns the machine back on, Lucy rests her head on Angela's shoulder. Angela wraps her arm around Lucy's shoulders to cover her ear so she can hear the sound of the saw as little as possible. Lucy closes her eyes*

*After 15 minutes*

Nurse : I've finished, I'll bring you back to your room and the physiotherapist will come to see you after lunch
Lucy : okay

*In Tim and Lucy's room*

Angela : I'm going to go get a coffee, do you want one?
Lucy : No thanks, the nurse should bring the meal in a few minutes
Angela : okay, I come back soon

*Angela leaves the room*

Lucy : *lies down on Tim's chest* Tim, they took me off my cast, my foot is not broken anymore. That was horrible. The nurse used a saw which made a noise similar to a sound made by Chris and Caleb. I thought for a moment I was back there. Hopefully Angela was there, she helped me but I would have preferred it to be you who was there. Tim, I wish you would wake up. I wish you could be there for my rehabilitation sessions. But in any case, I'm going to do them for you, I'm going to walk again and you will see that when you'll wake up.

*Angela returns as a nurse brings Lucy's meal*

*She eats*

Angela : you should get some rest before your appointment with the physiotherapist
Lucy : yes *she lies down, snuggled up to Tim and tries to fall asleep, without success*

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