Chapter 57

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*Lucy is happier than ever, she hugs Tim tightly*

Tim : ow
Lucy : oh I'm so sorry, I didn't wanna hurt you
Tim : *whispers* how long ?
Lucy : shhhh the doctor told you not to speak
Tim : how long ?
Lucy : 3 months
Tim : *Sighs*
Lucy : but you're fine now

*She lays in Tim's arms in silence for 5 minutes*

Lucy : Oh it's almost time for Angela to come, it'll be a nice surprise for her to see you awake
Tim : *smiles*
Lucy : I missed you Tim, everyday
Tim : *whispers* missed you too. Can you straighten the bed a little ?
Lucy : of course

*Lucy presses the button to straighten Tim's bed a little. She puts hers -still stuck to Tim's- in the same position*

*Knock knock knock*

Lucy : *whispers* It must be Angela
Angela : *opens the door* Lucy it's me
Lucy : hi
Angela : *notices Tim* Tim ? *So happy* Tim you're awake *hugs him*
Lucy : take it easy, otherwise you'll hurt him
Tim : *whispers* Ange
Angela : I'm so happy to see you awake, I missed you so much
Tim : *smiles*
Angela : How long has Tim been awake?
Lucy : 20 or 30 minutes
Angela : why didn't you text me ?
Lucy : To surprise you
Angela : that's a really good surprise. Does anyone at the station know ?
Lucy : just you for the moment. I didn't take the time to warn the others. I'll call Grey and ask him to warn the station, I don't wanna call everyone. Well I'll call Harper and Nolan too of course
Angela : I'm texting Wesley
Lucy : can you stay with Tim while I go to the hallway to call Grey ?
Angela : of course

*Lucy takes her IV and her phone and goes to the hallway*

*Lucy's POV*

*She calls sergeant Grey*

Grey : Sergeant Grey, LAPD I'm listening
Lucy : hello sergeant it's Lucy Chen
Grey : hey Lucy how are ? Better ?
Lucy : yes so much better thank you, I wanted to tell you something
Grey : what is it ?
Lucy : it's about Tim
Grey : is there a problem?
Lucy : not at all, he's finally awake
Grey : really ?
Lucy : yeah
Grey : that's great. I'll come to see you two after my shift
Lucy : I wanted to ask you to do something for me
Grey : I'm listening
Lucy : I'll tell John and Harper myself, but when I'd have done it, can you warn the whole station, I don't want to call everyone or come to the station now. I know everyone is worried
Grey : no problem, tell me when you want me to warn everyone
Lucy : tomorrow it's good, I'm gonna call Nolan and Harper right now
Grey : Understood, see you later
Lucy : bye *hangs up*

*She now calls John Nolan*

John : hey Lucy, It's been a long time since you called me, is everything okay?
Lucy : yeah I'm okay, I'm sorry for not calling you
John : that's okay
Lucy : can I tell you something ?
John : everything you want but I must warn you, I'm on speaker, I'm on patrol with Nyla, I'm driving
Nyla : if you don't want me to hear what you're gonna say, I can cover my ears
Lucy : no that's fine, I wanted to call you right after John to tell you the same thing anyway
John : Stop beating around the bush, what do you want to tell us ?
Lucy : it's about Tim
Nyla : is he okay ?
Lucy : he's awake
Nyla : really?
Lucy : yes he is
John : that's awesome
Lucy : I told Grey
John : I'll come to the hospital after my shift. Can I tell Bailey ?
Lucy : yeah of course
Nyla : I'll warn James and we'll come too
Lucy : thank you, see you
Nyla : bye
John : see ya

*She hangs up*

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