Chapter 81

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*On the way to the Court, Lucy sits next to Tim. He notices that her leg is shaking. He puts his hand on her thigh. She looks at him, he smiles*

*After 20 minutes, they arrive at the Court*

Wesley : here we are, are you ready ?
Lucy : *takes a deep breath* we don't have much choice
Angela: it's almost over
Lucy : *nods*

*Lucy and Angela get out of the car to unfold Tim's wheelchair*

*Wesley helps Tim to sit on the wheelchair*

Wesley : ready to enter ?
Lucy : yes
Wesley : you don't have any dangerous objects on you? Gun, scissors, cutter, knife ?
Tim : nope, nothing like that
Wesley : perfect we can go inside

*Lucy pushes Tim*

Security agent : morning, put everything you have in these baskets so that it can be examined with an X-ray and then passed through the metal detector
Lucy : how will Tim do? He can't walk on his own and the wheelchair will beep
Security agent : can he walk with some help ?
Tim : yes
Security agent : then two of you will pass in the detector, if you don't beep, you will come back to this side to help you this man pass through the machine
Lucy : I'm gonna do that
Wesley : and I will too
Angela : Lucy, you sure you don't want me to do it for you ?
Lucy : no it's okay

*Wesley and Lucy go through the detector, everything is in order, they come back to the other side to help Tim walk through the detector while the security agent inspects the wheelchair and moves it to the other side so Tim can sit back down. Angela joins them*

*They go to reception*

Wesley : excuse me, I mister Evers, attorney at law, and I'm with my clients, we're for the Rosalind Dyer trial
Receptionist : it takes place in the main room
Wesley : thank you

*They walk to the main room, they're the first one*

Wesley : Tim, Lucy, sit here, I have a few photocopies to make
Tim : no problem
Wesley : Angela, can you stay with them ?
Angela : yeah of course

*A couple minutes after Wesley left, John and Bailey arrive*

John : Lucy, Tim, we're so happy to see you *shakes Tim's hand and hugs Lucy*
Bailey : yes it's so good to see you
Lucy : we're happy too
Tim : even if we would have preferred that the reunion took place in other circumstances
John : yes of course

*Grey and Luna arrive too*

Grey : sergeant Bradford, officer Chen, how are you ?
Lucy : sergeant Grey, hello, we're fine thank you and you ? Oh Luna you're here too
Luna : yes, I'm here to support you
Tim : thank you very much
Grey : so Tim, ready to go back to work ? I'm kidding Bradford, take your time
Tim : I will be at the station as soon as the doctor authorizes me
Grey : that's all you

*Now it's Nyla, James and Aaron's turn to arrive*

Tim : hey guys
Nyla : hello
Aaron : I'm glad to see you fine sir
Tim : thank you Thorsen, I'm happy you're fine too, how's your gunshot wound?
Aaron : just a small scar
Tim : cool
Grey : where is your lawyer ?
Angela : Wesley had some photocopies to do, he'll be back soon

*Wesley comes back, he greets everyone and goes towards Tim and Lucy*

Wesley : Tim, Lucy, we have to go sit in the front
Tim : yes ok
Lucy : see you later guys
John : don't worry, everything will be fine
Lucy : thank you John

*Several cops enters the room with Rosalind and Stephen. Their lawyer Matt Murdock enters with them. Lucy makes eye contact with Rosalind who smirks at her. She starts panicking. Tim takes her hand to reassure her*

Wesley : don't let yourself destabilize Lucy
Lucy : *nods*

*10:30 a.m. the judges and the DA enter the room. Everyone stand up, except for Tim*

[Information :
Normally for a criminal trial, there are jurors in addition to professional  magistrates. In this story I chose not to involve jurors to facilitate understanding]

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