Chapter 53

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*2 hours later, the physiotherapist comes to bring Lucy to the rehabilitation center*

Physiotherapist : hi Mrs Chen, my name is Conrad, I'm your physiotherapist, are you ready ?
Lucy : can my friend Angela come ?
Conrad : no I'm sorry, the rehabilitation sessions are individual
Lucy: oh
Angela : Lucy, everything's gonna be fine, I'll wait here for when you come back. I'll keep company to Tim
Lucy : okay

Conrad : are you ready to go ?
Lucy : I think so
Conrad : then let's go

*Conrad takes Lucy to the rehabilitation center of the hospital*

Conrad : here we are, so first, I'll put some creme on your foot to prepare it for the exercises we're gonna do

Lucy : no problem 

*Conrad puts some creme on Lucy's foot*

Conrad : now we will start the exercises. See those parallel bars a few meters away?

Lucy : yes
Conrad : You're going to walk over there
Lucy: Can I have crutches?
Conrad: No, I want to see what you can do. If you can't do it, I'll give you crutches.

*Lucy gets up from the wheelchair. She remains leaning on her left leg*.

Conrad: before trying to move forward, try to put your right foot down, keeping your left foot on the ground.

*She manages to do what the physiotherapist asks*

Conrad: great, *gets closer to her* now, try to keep just your right foot on the ground, I'll stay close by if you need support

*Lucy tries to lift her left foot off the ground but almost falls. Conrad stops her from falling*

Lucy : I... I can't do it alone
Conrad : it's just our first session, you'll do it, I believe in you.
Lucy : I... I need Tim
Conrad : well, I'm sorry but that's not possible, but let me try something okay
Lucy : *nods*

*Conrad helps Lucy to sit down on the wheelchair. He goes to talk to a nurse in the room and comes back to Lucy*

Conrad : Okay, I'm going to take you to the parallel bars and try to walk to the end, is that okay for you
Lucy : *nods*

*Conrad places the wheelchair at the beginning of the bars*

Conrad : now, try to go to the end
Lucy : *stands up and walks forward, on her good foot*
Conrad : no no, not like that, I want you to walk normally
Lucy : I... I can't

*Conrad looks towards the glass door of the room. He nods to the nurse he spoke to a few minutes ago. She enters the room accompanied by Angela*

Conrad : Lucy, look who's there
Lucy : *looks to Angela*
Angela : *smiles*
Conrad : *talking to Angela* can you come here ?
Angela : yes *she goes to the end of the bars*
Conrad : Lucy, try to walk to your friend
Lucy : It's to hard
Angela : you can do it Lucy
Lucy : *a tear falls from her eye* no I can't Angela
Angela : do it for Tim, show him when he wakes up that you are able to walk without crutches, he will be proud of you. You just have to imagine that I'm Tim and you're walking towards him
Lucy : *closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and whispers* for Tim *she opens  her eyes and slowly walks towards Angela*

*At the last step, she loses her balance and falls into Angela's arms who catches her*

Angela : you did it Lucy
Lucy : *happy* for Tim, I did it for Tim
Angela : I'm so happy Lucy
Conrad : great Lucy, that's very good. If you continue like this, rehabilitation won't be long

*As the session is over, Lucy, accompanied by Angela, returns to her room and tells Tim about her exploits*

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