Chapter 25

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*Tim's lying on the gurney*

Nurse : *listen to his lungs* we have to bring you to the MRI. *To Wesley* wait in the waiting room, I'll come back after the MRI, you'll have to fill forms
Wesley : okay

*They take Tim. Angela and Lucy arrive*

Angela : Wes
Wesley : Angela
Angela : where did they bring him, what happened ?
Wesley : to the MRI, I'll explain to you in a moment, I have to go to the desk to take the forms.
Angela : I'm going, you explain to Lucy *she goes to the front desk*
Lucy : Wesley please, tell me what is Tim's problem
Wesley : I don't really know, they didn't say anything. The nurse listened to his heart and lungs and they rushed him to the MRI. He had much more difficulties to breathe
Lucy : *falls in Wesley's arms crying*
Wesley : hey it's gonna be okay, Tim's a warrior. *He rubs her back*
Angela : *comes back* Lucy, you have to fill these files, I can't do it, you are his trusted person.
Lucy : *nods and sits down*

*She fills all the documents and Angela brings them back to the front desk nurse*

Lucy : why can't I see him ?
Wesley : they have to run some tests, you know
Angela : *comes back* everything's good
Lucy : thank you both for coming to the beach, I don't know what I'd have done without you. And thank you for waiting with me
Angela : don't thank us, that's what friends do. So, you said the beach was emotional, why ?
Lucy : Tim told me everything. How he was when I was abducted
Angela : everything?
Lucy : yes, even the pills and whiskey part.
Angela: sorry for not telling you, he made me promise
Lucy : that's okay

*20 minutes later*

Doctor : someone for Timothy Bradford?
Lucy : *raises her hand* yes, us

*Lucy, Angela and Wesley walk towards the doctor*

Lucy : what happened ?
Doctor: we don't know, we can't explain his chest pain. So for now, to help him breathe, we put him on 100% O2. He will stay on observation
Lucy : can we see him ?
Doctor : ofc, follow me

*They enter Tim's room. Tim's asleep*

Angela : *puts a chair next to Tim's bed* here Lucy, sit down
Lucy : *takes his left hand and kisses it* I don't like seeing him like that

*They wait for Tim to wake up*

*1 hour later*

Tim : mmmhhh mmmhhh
Lucy : Tim ? *She strokes his cheek*
Tim : Luce ?
Lucy : yes I am here, with Angela and Wesley
Tim : it hurts
Lucy : where ?
Tim : my lungs
Lucy : the doctor already gave you some painkillers. Try to sleep. *She holds his left hand with her left hand and masses his chest with her right hand*
Angela : the visiting hours are finished, we have to go. Can you give me your car keys, we'll bring it back to your apartment.
Lucy : *gives the keys* thank u so much, I don't know what I'd've done without you.
Angela : text me or call me if there is anything okay ?
Lucy : will do
Wesley : bye
Lucy : bye

*In the middle of the night*

*Lucy has her head lying on Tim's bed*
*Tim wakes up crying*

Lucy : hey babe, what the problem ?
Tim : *cannot answer, he can't breathe anymore, even with the O2 mask, he coughs*

*Lucy pages a doctor who comes very quickly. He sees what's happening*

Doctor : mister Bradford, I want you to stay calm, I'm here to help you

*Tim still doesn't breathe*

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