Chapter 102

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Lucy: *admiring the stack of pancakes* These look amazing, Lucy. I can't wait to dig in.
Tim: *smiling proudly* Thanks, Lucy. I made them just how you like them. How many pancakes do you want ?
Lucy: *settling into his seat* 3 please. *Tim gives her a plate with 3 pancakes* Thank you, you're the best, Tim."
Tim: *joining Lucy at the table* Well, let's eat before they get cold. Then we have to get ready to go to the movies
Lucy : did you take your meds ?
Tim : oh no shit I forgot, thanks for reminding me

*They finish their breakfast and get ready. While Lucy is in the bathroom, Tim buys the movie tickets on his phone*

Tim: *emerging from the bedroom* Ready to go, Lucy?
Lucy: *adjusting her jacket* Almost. Just need to grab my purse.
Tim: *showing Lucy his phone* Got the tickets on my phone, right here.
Lucy: Thanks, Tim. You're the best.
Tim: *smiling* Anything for you, my dear.
Lucy : you got everything?
Tim : my phone, my wallet, my crutches, yes everything
Lucy : I take your medicine in my purse, we said we would go to the restaurant
Tim : oh yes right, thank you Lucy
Lucy : now we can go

*They go to their car. Lucy is driving and Tim sits on the passenger seat as he can't drive for now*

*At the movie theater*

Tim: *settling into his seat in the theater* This is going to be so much fun, Lucy.
Lucy: *nodding* I can't wait. The trailer was so good
Tim: *leaning closer* Yeah it was. And with you by my side, it's going to be even better.
Lucy : *holds Tim's hand*
Tim : oh wait we forgot something I coming back
Lucy : where are you going ?
Tim : we forgot the popcorn, I'm gonna buy them
Lucy : I'm coming with you
Tim : you can stay here, I won't be long
Lucy : but Tim, you can't hold your crutches and the popcorn
Tim : oh yes, you're right

*They buy a bucket of popcorn and return to their seats*

*After the advertisements*

Lucy: *gasping excitedly* Look, Tim! It's starting!
Tim: *leaning in closer to Lucy* I'm ready for some ghost-busting action!

*At the end*

Tim: *as the credits roll* That was amazing, Lucy! What did you think?

Lucy: *grinning* I loved it! The special effects were incredible.

Tim: *nodding enthusiastically* And the action was on point. It was like I was completely inside the movie

Lucy: *leaning her head on Tim's shoulder* Me too. It was the perfect movie day. And no matter the movie, this day would have been perfect because we are together

Tim: *as they exit the theater* What should we do now, Lucy?

Lucy: *thinking* How about we take a walk in the park? It's such a beautiful day.
Tim: *brightening up* Yes, great idea! A stroll in the park sounds lovely

*Tim and Lucy go to the park. Since they can't hold hands because of Tim's crutches, Lucy places her hand on Tim's hand holding the crutch, to pretend they are walking hand in hand*

Tim: I love moments like this, Lucy. Just being together, enjoying each other's company.
Lucy: *smiling* Me too, Tim. It's the simple things that mean the most

*They walk for 20 minutes*

Tim : *Slow down the pace* can we sit a bit on a bench ? My legs start hurting me
Lucy : oh yeah of course, I'm sorry Tim, I forgot you couldn't walk that much, you should have told me before
Tim : *sitting on a bench* it's okay Lucy, don't worry, I'm fine

*The sun begins to set*

Tim: It's getting late, Lucy. Shall we head to dinner?
Lucy: *nodding* Sounds good, Tim. We should go to our favorite restaurant
Tim : that would be perfect to end the day

*They enter the restaurant*

Tim: I'm starving, Lucy. What should we order?
Lucy: *perusing the menu* Hmm, how about we start with the bruschetta for appetizers?
Tim: *nodding in agreement* Great choice. And for the main course?
Lucy: *smiling mischievously* I think I'll let you surprise me, Tim.
Tim: *grinning* You got it, Lucy.
Lucy: *glancing around* I love the atmosphere here. It's so cozy.
Tim: *nodding* Yeah, it's one of our favorite spots for a reason.

Waiter : hello, are you ready to order ?
Tim : yes we are
Waiter : perfect, I'm listening
Tim : we'll start with the bruschetta please
Waiter : okay
Tim : then we'll take 2 pizzas please
Waiter : okay, what do you wanna drink ?
Tim : I'll take a Coca Cola, you Lucy ?
Lucy : me too
Waiter : perfect, I will bring your order to the chef *he leaves*
Tim : you didn't wanna drink a beer or something else?
Lucy : no, because you can't
Tim : Lucy, Just because I can't drink alcohol doesn't mean you can't either
Lucy : yes I know but I didn't want
Tim : that's another reason, and I understand
Lucy : *holds Tim's hand*

Tim: *as they wait for their food* So, Lucy, did I ever tell you about the time I got lost in a park as a kid?
Lucy: *raising an eyebrow* No, I don't think you have. What happened?
Tim: *chuckling* Well, I was about five years old, and I wandered off to explore. Before I knew it, I couldn't find my way back.
Lucy: *gasping* That must have been scary.
Tim: *nodding* "It was. But eventually, I found my way back to my mom. She was so relieved.
Lucy: *smiling* I'm glad you made it back safely. It's funny the things we remember from our childhood.

*The waiter comes back with the Coca Colas and the bruschetta*

Lucy: This looks delicious, Tim. Let's dig in!
Tim: *raising his glass* To us, Lucy. To many more adventures together. And to our first entire day out of the hospital
Lucy: *clinking her glass with Tim's* To us.
Tim: *taking a bite* Mmm, this bruschetta is amazing.
Lucy: *nodding in agreement* Yeah, they really know how to make it here.

*Then their pizzas arrive*

Tim: *as they enjoy their meal* You know, Lucy, I've been thinking...
Lucy: *curiously* About what, Tim?
Tim: *taking a deep breath* About our future. I know we've been through a lot, but I wouldn't change a thing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Lucy: *tears welling up* Tim...
Tim: *reaching across the table to hold Lucy's hand* I love you, Lucy. More than anything.
Lucy: *smiling through her tears* I love you too, Tim

*As they finish their plate*

Tim : we should go home, I'm really tired
Lucy : me too, let's go

*At home*

Tim : *checks his phone* oh no, I missed a call from Angela
Lucy : call her back
Tim : yep

*Tim calls Angela*

Tim : hey Angela, sorry, I didn't see your call
Angela : don't worry Tim it's okay, how are you ?
Tim : great and you ?
Angela : fine
Tim : for what did you call ?
Angela : I wanted to know if I could come to see you after work but as you didn't answer I came home directly
Tim : I'm so sorry Angela, with Lucy we went to the movies, then to the park and we ate at a restaurant
Angela : no Tim don't apologize, it's great that you and Lucy are going out of your apartment
Tim : yes, and now we're going to go to bed soon
Angela : I won't bother you any longer, good night Tim
Tim : thank you, you too Angela

*They hang up*

*Then, Tim and Lucy go to bed and fall asleep very quickly*

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