Chapter 73

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*A week later*

*Tim continues his rehab sessions. He is progressing but fatigue is accumulating*

*During a rehab session*

Conrad : okay Tim, now that we have finished the exercises to work your hands, you'll try to walk. I'll put near the parallel bars but you're going to walk holding just one
Tim : that's hard
Conrad : I know but you'll do it
Tim : I'll do my best.

*Tim takes support on his right hand to get up and moves forward but on the 2nd step he falls*

Conrad : don't give up, you can use the 2 bars to get up

Tim : *leans on the 2 bars*
Conrad : perfect now remove one hand
Tim : *he removes his left hand*
Conrad : very good, now, you just have to take a few steps

*Tim tries but falls on the ground a second time*

Conrad : don't give up

*he tries again several times without success. He gets discouraged*

Conrad : *sees that Tim is getting discouraged* I have to do something, I'll help you sit back on the wheelchair, take a break while I'm gone, I won't last long

*Conrad leaves the room to find Lucy*

*In Tim and Lucy's room*

Conrad : Lucy ?
Lucy : oh Conrad, Is Tim's session already over? Where is he ?
Conrad : no it's not over yet, but I need you to come with me
Lucy : okay, can I ask why ?
Conrad : It's been some time since Tim started rehabilitation and fatigue is starting to make itself felt. I tried to make him walk by holding on to a bar, like you did, but as he does not succeed, he becomes discouraged. When you did this exercise, you were a little discouraged too until your friend, Angela, came to support you
Lucy : yes I remember
Conrad : so I'm here to ask you if you agree to come to Tim's session, I think that it could motivate him and you could see his progress
Lucy : of course I'm coming. I said that I'll be there for him the whole time to support him
Conrad : perfect, let's go, I'll explain to you what you'll have to do while we walk to the rehab center
Lucy : no problem

*While they go to rehab center*

Conrad : okay so what Tim has to do is to to walk from the beginning of the parallel to the end, holding on with only one hand
Lucy : that's not easy
Conrad : no it's a bit difficult but I know he can do it, that's why I'm asking him to do this exercise
Lucy : what do you want me to do ?
Conrad : you will have to stand at the end of the parallel bars and Tim will walk towards you
Lucy : I can do that, can I encourage him?
Conrad : of course you can

[I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while, my phone died I had to buy another one but I couldn't remember my Wattpad codes. In addition to that I had many exams at university and judo]

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