Chapter 75

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*During the night*

*Tim wakes up and can't go back to sleep*

Tim : *moans*
Lucy : *hears Tim, whispers* Tim you okay ?
Tim : y... yes
Lucy : you don't sound very good
Tim : it's okay
Lucy : don't lie to me please Tim, what's the problem ?
Tim : nothing, everything's fine, go back to sleep Lucy
Lucy : no, I won't sleep til you tell me what your problem is
Tim : fine my... my legs hurt
Lucy : it's probably aches
Tim : mmhh... it looks like that *he frowns*
Lucy : let me call a nurse, she'll bring you some painkillers
Tim : *nods*
Lucy : *presses the button to call the nurse*

*A few minutes later*

Nurse : you called for help ?
Lucy : yes
Nurse : can you explain to me the problem ?
Tim : my legs hurt because of my last rehab session, can I have something to soothe the pain please ?
Nurse : yes of course, I'm coming back in a couple minutes

*2 minutes later*

Nurse : *straightens Tim's bed* here, take these meds
Tim : *takes them* thank you
Nurse : the meds will work within 10-15 minutes. Try to go back to sleep
Tim : okay thank you

*The nurse leaves the room*

Lucy : you feel better ?
Tim : not yet
Lucy : it's gonna be okay. Let me lower your bed
Tim : *spreads his arm* come here, I need a hug
Lucy : *lies down on Tim's chest* I'm here
Tim : *strokes her hair and kisses her head* I love you
Lucy : *half asleep* I love you too

*15 minutes later the meds take effect and Tim goes back to sleep*

*Next morning*

*Tim and Lucy wakes*

Lucy : how are your legs ?
Tim : still hurt but less than during the night
Lucy : do you have a rehab session today ?
Tim : yes but I don't think I'll be able to do it, I'm too tired and in pain
Lucy : if you ask Conrad, he might be able to cancel today's session
Tim : yes, I'll ask him

*They spend the morning doing nothing special and eat their lunch*

*After lunch*

Tim : *fight against sleep*
Lucy : Tim you look tired, you should take a nap
Tim : no it's okay
Lucy : as you want but I'll sleep a bit, let me cuddle you, your a good pillow
Tim : *laughs, opens his arms* come here

*5 minutes later, Tim's asleep. Lucy knew she wouldn't sleep, she just wanted Tim to take a nap since he was so tired*

*1 hour later*

*Conrad enters the room*

Conrad : hello guys how are you ? Oh Tim's asleep
Lucy : good afternoon Conrad, yes he's sleeping because he slept badly
Conrad : why ?
Lucy : he has severe aches and pains from yesterday's session which means that his legs hurt a lot last night, so he couldn't sleep
Tim : *wakes up, half asleep* Conrad ? Is it time for the session? Sorry I fell asleep
Conrad : no it's okay Tim, Lucy told me what happened during the night
Tim : is it normal ?
Conrad : yes absolutely, It happens when you strain a muscle you haven't used in a while
Tim : okay
Conrad : Are you still in pain? And don't try to lie to me
Tim : yes I am
Conrad : we're going to cancel today's session so you can rest, we'll start again tomorrow, okay?
Tim: okay, thank you very much Conrad, I feel too tired to do again what I did yesterday
Conrad : no problem, get some rest and see you tomorrow

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