Chapter 99

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*As Angela and Wesley leave the apartment, Tim and Lucy sit onto the couch, limbs entwined, seeking solace in the familiar contours of each other's presence*

Lucy begins to speak, her voice trembles as she broke the silence.

Lucy: Tim... do you remember... when you were in a coma?

*The weight of her question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken memories and buried emotions. Tim's heart clenched at the vulnerability in Lucy's voice, his arms instinctively drawing her closer, a silent gesture of solidarity and support.*

Tim: *softly* well, not really because...

Lucy : yeah right that was a stupid question but...

*Lucy's breath caught in her throat, tears welling in her eyes as she dredges up the ghosts of the past, reliving the agony and uncertainty of those long, harrowing months.*

Lucy: *voice trembling* I felt like I was drowning without you, Tim. Every day was a battle against the suffocating weight of despair. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep... I couldn't even find the strength to breathe without feeling like I was being crushed beneath the weight of my own grief.

*As the weight of Lucy's emotional confession lingers in the air, she finds herself drifting back to the memories of her own arduous journey through rehabilitation. The pain and struggle of those days seem to resurface with startling clarity, each moment etched into her mind like a vivid snapshot of agony and triumph.*

*Lucy's voice wavers as she struggles to articulate the depths of her despair, her words echoing with the haunting echoes of her past struggles.*

Lucy: And... and then there were the rehabilitation sessions. God, Tim, those were some of the darkest days of my life. That was horrible and extremely painful

*Tim's heart clenches at the pain in Lucy's voice, his fingers tracing soothing circles on her back as he listens intently, his own heart heavy with empathy and understanding.*

Tim: *softly* I can't even begin to imagine, Lucy. But you were so brave, so determined to keep going. You are a a hero, my hero Lucy.

*Lucy tries to smile, her tears flowing freely now as she recounted the long, agonizing hours spent in the rehabilitation center, each session a grueling test of her physical and emotional strength.*

Lucy: At first, I couldn't find the motivation to even get out of bed. I couldn't move. I was in pain physically and psychologically too. I had nightmares every time I closed my eyes. I had nightmares about 2 things: my kidnapping and you dead, sometimes a mix of the two, I saw Chris and Caleb kidnap you and kill you. And every time in these nightmares I was helpless, I couldn't help you. I felt like I was trapped in this endless cycle of pain and despair, unable to see a way out.

*Tim's heart aches at the thought of Lucy's suffering, his arms tightening around her as if to shield her from the memories that threatens to overwhelm her.

Tim: *voice thick with emotion* But you kept going, Lucy. You fought through the pain, through the darkness, because you knew that there was something worth fighting for.

*Lucy nods, her tears mingling with a small, tremulous smile as she remembers the turning point in her rehabilitation journey, the moment when everything changed.*

Lucy: And then... then one day Conrad allowed Angela to come to my rehab sessions. She constantly pushed me to overcome myself. She always told me "go ahead Lucy, you can do it, if you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for Tim, he will be proud of you" and I imagined you in the room cheering me on

Tim : Angela was right, I'm so proud of you Lucy, you're wonderful, you're brave

Lucy : thank you Tim, so Angela gave me the strength to keep going, to push through the pain and the doubt. She believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself.

*Tim's heart swells with gratitude for Angela's unwavering support, his love for her deepening with each passing moment as he witnesses the profound impact she had on Lucy's life.*

Tim: *softly* She's incredible, Lucy. And so are you. You've come so far, overcome so much... I couldn't be more proud of you.

*Lucy buries her face in Tim's chest, her tears mingling with tears of gratitude and relief as she surrenders to the overwhelming tide of emotions that threatens to consume her.*

Lucy: *sobbing* Thank you, Tim. Thank you for being here, for loving me through it all.

*Tim hild Lucy close, his own tears mingling with hers as he whispers words of love and reassurance, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the miracle of their shared love.*

Tim: *whispering* I'm so sorry, Lucy. I wish I could have been there for you.

*Lucy shakes her head, her tears flowing freely now as she relinquished the burden of her pain, laying bare the scars of her fractured heart*

Lucy: It's not your fault, Tim. You were fighting for your life, and I... I was fighting to keep mine from unraveling. But... but it was so hard, Tim. So hard to find a reason to keep going when everything felt so hopeless."

Tim: *voice thick with emotion* I'm here now, Lucy. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. We'll face this together, one step at a time.

Lucy buries her face in Tim's chest, her sobs echoing in the stillness of the room as she sights refuge in the sanctuary of his embrace.

Tim: *voice breaking* I love you, Lucy. Always and forever.

Lucy : *raises her head to look at Tim* I love you too Tim

*Lucy places her hand on Tim's cheek to wipe away a tear, Tim does the same to Lucy before kissing her passionately*

*Then they lie down on the couch, in silence, Lucy lies against Tim with her head on his chest*

In that moment, as they clung to each other, Tim and Lucy found solace in the knowledge that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

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