Chapter 43

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*Lucy has a very restless sleep, she has a lot of nightmares*

*2 hours after falling asleep, she wakes up freezing. Her headache is even worse than later. She hurts everywhere. She feels sick. She staggers to the bedroom bathroom and throws up. She rinses her face and goes back to bed*

*She can't sleep, she has chills all over her body*

*Meanwhile in the living room, Angela and Wesley are watching TV*

Angela : *cuddling with Wesley* I'm worried for Lucy, she wasn't feeling good at all
Wesley : that's what I thought. The strange thing is that at that time, she would have been better if it had been indigestion
Angela : exactly, I hope that it's nothing serious
Wesley : we should go to bed, it's already 11:42
Angela : yes, I'll just go check on Lucy before going to bed

*Lucy is in the bathroom, she's throwing up*

Angela : *knocks at the door* Lucy ? You awake ? *No answer. She hears a big noise coming from the room* Lucy, you okay ?

*Still no answer, so she opens the door. She doesn't see Lucy in the bed, she checks in the bathroom. She sees Lucy lying on the floor*

Angela : *runs to Lucy* Lucy, Lucy do you hear me ?
Lucy : *nods*
Angela : what happened Lucy ?
Lucy : *sobbing* it hurts
Angela : where ?
Lucy : everywhere
Angela : *puts her hand on Lucy's forehead* You are burning. Lean on me, I'll take you back to bed

*She puts her in bed*

Angela : I'll get you some paracetamol
Lucy : *nods*

*She goes to her first aid kit in the living room*

Wesley : everything's okay ?
Angela : no, I'm looking for paracetamol for Lucy, she's in an even worst state than in the afternoon
Wesley : definitely not an indigestion
Angela : I have no idea what it could be
Wesley : a virus or bacteria lying around
Angela : yes could be. *She finds the paracetamol* here it is, I'll bring it to Lucy

*Angela goes to Lucy's room*

Angela : take these Lucy, you'll probably feel a bit better
Lucy : thank you *she takes the paracetamol*
Angela : lay down and try to sleep, call me if you need anything

*Lucy lies down and Angela leaves the room. Lucy dozes for 1:30 hour, before being wild awake because of the pain. She cries, curled up in bed*

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