Chapter 103

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*Tim and Lucy wake up to the gentle light filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over their cozy bedroom. Stretching lazily, Tim rubs the sleep from his eyes while Lucy snuggles closer, unwilling to let go of the comfort of their shared embrace.*

Tim: *yawning* Morning, Lucy.
Lucy: *nuzzling closer* Morning, Tim. Did you sleep well?
Tim: *smiling softly* I did. How about you?
Lucy: *contentedly* Like a baby. It feels so good to wake up next to you.

*After exchanging soft morning kisses, Tim and Lucy make their way to the kitchen, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet apartment. The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as they set about preparing their breakfast.*

Tim: *flipping pancakes on the stove* Pancakes okay for breakfast, Lucy?
Lucy: *pouring orange juice into glasses* Perfect, Tim. You make the best pancakes.
Tim: *grinning* Only because I have the best sous chef.

*After they finish their breakfast and get ready, Tim and Lucy gather their things and head out the door. Lucy takes the driver's seat, her hands steady on the wheel as she navigates the familiar streets toward the hospital.*

Tim: *gazing out the window* Thanks for driving me, Lucy. I don't know if I could handle it alone.
Lucy: *squeezing Tim's hand reassuringly* Anytime, Tim. I'm always here for you

*As Lucy pulls into the parking lot, Tim's hands grip the edges of his seat, his knuckles turning white with tension. His breath comes in short, shallow gasps, and his heart pounds in his chest as memories of his time in a coma flood his mind.*

Tim: *voice trembling* I... I can't do this, Lucy. I need to leave. I wanna go home

*Lucy's eyes widen with concern as she reaches out to him, her voice soft but firm.*

Lucy: *placing a calming hand on Tim's arm* Hey, look at me. You're okay, Tim. You're safe. You're just here for your rehab session, remember? You're not here to stay for a while, just 1 or 2 hours for your rehab session

*But Tim can't shake the feeling of suffocation, the overwhelming sense of dread that threatens to consume him. His chest tightens, and a wave of nausea washes over him, leaving him dizzy and disoriented.*

Tim: *struggling to catch his breath* I... I need to get out of here, Lucy. Please. *He starts tearing up* Bring me back home Lucy, I beg you

*Lucy's heart breaks at the desperation in Tim's voice, her own hands trembling as she tries to comfort him.*

Lucy: *voice shaking* Tim, listen to me. You're safe. You're with me. We'll get through this together, okay? I'm coming with you inside. You remember, it's for your own good, you need to go to these rehab session to be able to walk normally, and then you'll be able to go back to work

*But the panic tightens its grip on Tim's chest, suffocating him with its relentless intensity. He feels like he's drowning, the weight of his past bearing down on him with a crushing force.*

Tim: *voice barely a whisper* I... I can't... I can't breathe, Lucy.

*With tears stinging her eyes, Lucy reaches for Tim's hand, holding on tight as she searches for the right words to ease his suffering*

Lucy: *voice trembling* Just focus on my voice, Tim. Breathe with me, okay? In... and out. In... and out.

*Slowly, gradually, Tim's breathing begins to even out, the panic receding like a distant storm. His grip on Lucy's hand loosens, and he leans back in his seat, his chest rising and falling in steady rhythm.*

Tim: *voice shaky but calmer* Th-thanks, Lucy. I... I don't know what came over me.

Lucy: *squeezing Tim's hand gently* It's okay, Tim. You're okay. I'm right here with you. And soon we'll be back home

*With Lucy's steady presence by his side, Tim takes a deep breath and steps out of the car, his legs feeling like lead as they carry him toward the hospital entrance. Lucy watches him go, her heart aching with worry, before settling into the waiting room to pass the time.*

*In the waiting room*

*As Lucy watches Tim disappear into the hospital, her heart aches with worry and fear. She knows that the road ahead won't be easy, but she's determined to be there for Tim every step of the way, no matter what challenges they may face.*

*Meanwhile, in the rehab room, Tim finds himself opening up to Conrad, his trusted physiotherapist. As they work through the exercises, Tim shares snippets of his life outside the hospital, focusing on the joyous moments he and Lucy shared the day before.*

Conrad : so, what did you do yesterday ? You had all the day for you
Tim: *grinning* We went for a walk in the park, enjoyed a delicious lunch at our favorite restaurant, and even caught a movie. It was the perfect day, Conrad.
Conrad: *smiling warmly* That sounds wonderful, Tim. It's important to cherish those moments of happiness, especially during your recovery.
Tim: *nodding* Absolutely. Lucy's been amazing through it all. I don't know what I'd do without her.
Conrad: *encouragingly* You're lucky to have each other, Tim. Keep focusing on the positives, and you'll continue to make progress.
Tim: *smiling softly* Thanks, Conrad. I'll do my best"
Conrad: *nodding approvingly* That's all anyone can ask for, Tim. Keep up the good work, and remember, I'm here to support you every step of the way.
Tim: *gratefully* I appreciate that, Conrad. It means a lot.

*After a few minutes*

Tim : can I ask you a question Conrad
Conrad : yes of course
Tim : Before coming, in the parking lot, I had a panic attack, just seeing the hospital scared me, is this normal?
Conrad : After everything you've been through here, it's completely normal Tim, your brain wants to forget everything that happened here but coming back prevents it and it's convinced that you'll find yourself in the same state as the last time you came. But you'll get used to it, and you won't have a panic attack when you come
Tim : okay, thank you Conrad

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