Chapter 30

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[Before continuing with the story, I wanted to thank you all for your enthusiasm for this story. This is the first time I've written a fanfic and you already have more than 5k reads. So thank you all and thank you for your encouraging comments. Now back to the story]

Angela : Lucy, do you need some time alone with Tim before heading to the station ?
Lucy : *sobbing* yes please
Angela : Nolan and I will wait in the hallway, you can come whenever you're ready okay
Lucy : thank you

*John and Angela go wait in the hallway. Lucy sits down on a chair next to Tim's bed, she holds his hand and strokes his cheek*

Lucy : *sobbing* I... I'm sorry babe. Th... This is... this is all m... my fault. You're here... needing a... a lung transplant be... because of me. If... if I died with... with Caleb and... Chris, you... you wouldn't be... be there. You would... would say something like "Lucy, if I could come back in time, I wouldn't change a single thing", I can't say that. *Bursts in tears* If... if... I... I... could come back in time, I... would do anything to... to die so... so nothing cou... could ha... have happened. I'm sorry. I love you Tim. You... You're all my... my life. I d... I don't know what m... my life would have b... been like without you, you... you're the best thing tha... that could have happened to me... Even though, at... at the very be... beginning, when you were my TO I... I thought I hated you with all your... your Tim Tests, in fact, d... deep down I knew i... it was true love between us. I... I've n... never l... loved a man like I... I love you. I... I didn't even know it was p... possible to love someone so... so much. I... I'll do everything in... in my power to... help you get through this, w... when you wake up, I will be there, I... I will help you with everything, you... you hear me, you... you will not get r... get... get rid of me, I w... was your boot an... and I'll always be your boot, I... I haven't fi... finished learning from you, I'll al... always be by y... your side, you're g... gonna be sick of me.

*Lucy pauses, she has her head on Tim's hand*

*After a few minutes*

Lucy : *calms down* I have to go my love, Angela and John are waiting for me in the hallway, they need me to explain what happened to find the bad guys who poisoned you. We will lock them up, I promise, they'll go to jail forever, they won't put a single toe outside of prison. Wesley helps me with my trial, but Angela said he will be okay to represent you in Court. I gotta go, I love you so much Tim, I miss you, I miss your voice, your kisses, I miss cuddling with you, I even miss our little arguments. I come back quickly I promise. I hope when I'll come back, you'll be awake. *She stands up and kisses his forehead, she has tears rolling over her face*

*Angela knocks and enters*

Angela : can we go or do you need more time ?
Lucy : no it's okay, we can go, but did you see my crutches ?
Angela : *looks around* they're here *gives them to Lucy*
Lucy : thank you Angela
Angela : alright let's go to the station

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