Chapter 63

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*They sleep for 3 hours before being woken up by the doctor bringing Tim's test results. It's now 6 p.m.*

Doctor : I'm sorry to wake you up, but I have the results of all your tests. According to them, there is no longer any trace of the molecule, your lungs are very healthy again, you no longer need to be supplied with oxygen
Tim : *whispers* that's great
Doctor: that is a good sign of your recovery. *He takes the oxygen out of Tim's nose* Tomorrow you should start eating again, in small quantities regularly to reaccustom your stomach. First you will have to eat liquid and soft foods, and little by little you will be able to eat normally again.
Tim : thank you Doctor
Doctor : oh I forgot. You can start your rehabilitation sessions next week if you feel ready *looking at Lucy* and Conrad is okay to take Tim's case
Lucy : cool

*The doctor leaves the room*

Lucy : that's awesome Tim, I'm so happy *she hugs him tight*
Tim : that's good news
Lucy : you'll see, Conrad, the physiotherapist is good, he is very attentive
Tim : okay
Lucy : we should call Angela to tell her
Tim : yep

*Lucy takes her phone and video call Angela on WhatsApp*

Angela : *answer the call* hey Lucy, is everything okay ?
Lucy : we need to tell you something with Tim
Angela : oh give me just a minute to separate myself from the group. I'm at Nyla's with the colleagues
Lucy : That's good, stay with them, they need to know too
Angela : okay *to the group* guys, Tim and Lucy have to tell us something, come here so they can see you

*Wesley, Nyla, James, Grey, John, Bailey and Aaron show themselves on camera*

John : *waved his hand* hi, how are you ?
Lucy : Tim has something to tell you
Aaron : did he ask you to marry him ?
Lucy : *laughs* no *to Tim* tell them
Tim : *forces on his voice* no more sign of the molecule in my lungs
Wesley : that's great
Grey : yay
Nyla : cool
Angela : we knew it
Lucy : the doctor said he's in a great way for a good recovery
John : when will you get home Bradford ?
Tim : don't know yet
Lucy : he should start his rehabilitation sessions next week
Angela : that's quick
Grey : If you continue like this, in 2 months you will be back at work
Tim : *laughs* I'd have liked to, but the doctor said it would take longer. I miss going to the station
Grey : don't worry, take your time, we want to see you back in great shape and ready to arrest criminals
Tim : thanks Grey
Angela : we'll let you enjoy the good news and get some rest
Lucy : thank you everyone, bye

*Everyone say bye and they hang up*

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