Chapter 109

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*1:45 p.m.*

Lucy: Tim... Tim babe
Tim: *half asleep* yeah ?
Lucy: it's almost time to go back to work
Tim: *rubs his eyes* what time is it ?
Lucy: 1:45
Tim: right, time to go back to work

*They sit down on the couch*

Lucy: see you at 4
Tim: yep, good luck *kisses Lucy*
Lucy: *kisses back* thanks, you too

*Lucy leaves Tim's office to join Nyla and Angela. Tim sits at his desk*

*Lucy's point of view*

Lucy: hello girls, what do you want me to do?
Nyla: *gives her some papers* can you check this out. We've been working on this case for 1 hour and we can't understand who could have killed the victim
Lucy: no problem, let me see
Angela: I have something to deal with, it's ok if I leave you for a moment ?
Nyla : yeah go
Angela: thanks, I'm coming back quickly

*Angela walks to Tim's office*

Angela: *opens the door* Tim ? Can I talk to you?
Tim: Angela, yes come in
Angela: I wanted to talk again about what we discussed this morning
Tim: *frowns* what are you talking about? The conditions of my return to work?
Angela: No idiot, your proposal
Tim: oh you wanna talk about that
Angela: yes, you asked me to come with you to buy the ring
Tim: yes
Angela: when do you wanna go ?
Tim: I don't know, ASAP
Angela: what are you doing tomorrow?
Tim: I have a rehab session in the morning
Angela: we could go shopping right after
Tim: you don't work ?
Angela: No, I was supposed to pass the day with Wes, but he has an important trial tomorrow
Tim: oh that's bad
Angela: So, tomorrow?
Tim: I don't think that's possible, Lucy has to drive me to my rehab session
Angela: I could drive you there and we'll go for a ride together
Tim: I'm not sure Lucy will let me go to the session without her, she has gotten into the habit of taking me there
Angela: We could put Nyla in the knack. She would ask Lucy if she can help her tomorrow, she will say no because she has to take you to your rehab session and I say I can take you there. What do you think ?
Tim: *Thinks* that could work
Angela: we're doing that when you'll leave, okay ?
Tim: perfect, thank you Angela
Angela: No need to thank me, I love plotting like that. Especially if it's so that my best friend proposes to his girlfriend. I'll have Lucy bring you some papers so I can tell Nyla about our plan.
Tim: deal

*Angela leaves the office*

*Angela, Nyla and Lucy work together for 20 minutes*

Angela: *gives some papers to Lucy* Lucy, can you bring these papers to Tim, a Sergeant has to read and sign these. Grey's not a the station right now
Lucy: *takes the papers* of course
Angela: *as Lucy leaves* make sure Tim reads them correctly before bringing 'em back
Lucy: I will

*Lucy's now gone*

Angela: Nyla, these papers were just to give me time to talk to you
Nyla : what do you mean ?
Angela: *discreetly* I spoke with Tim this morning and earlier. He told me he wanted to propose to Lucy
Nyla : really ?
Angela: yes, and he asked me to come with him to go buy the ring tomorrow. That means I have to accompany him to his rehabilitation session. But that also means we have to make sure that Lucy is busy tomorrow and doesn't suspect anything.
Nyla : You want me to ask her for help tomorrow?
Angela: exactly
Nyla: no problem
Angela: Tim and I agreed to put our plan into action when he and Lucy leave the station this evening.
Nyla: perfect
Angela: and...
Nyla: *whispers* Lucy's coming back *normally* so this woman was killed by what appears to be a statue
Angela: And not just any statue, a statue of Jesus
Lucy: It's horrible to kill someone with a religious statue...
Nyla: It's horrible to kill someone no matter with what  

*4 p.m.*

*Tim and Lucy change and go see Angela and Nyla before leaving*

Angela: *whispers* Tim and Lucy are coming back, ready ?
Nyla: *nods*
Tim: We came to say goodbye to you before leaving
Angela: have a nice evening
Lucy: thank you
Nyla : Oh Lucy I just remembered, Angela is not here tomorrow and I need help with a case, can you help me?
Lucy: tomorrow that won't be possible, I'm driving Tim to his rehab session
Angela: I can take him if you want Lucy, it would allow me to spend some time with my best friend
Lucy: it's that... uh... I...
Tim: it's okay Lucy, Angela can drive me to the hospital. I know you really like working with the detectives
Lucy: yes I do
Tim: So let Angela take me to the hospital tomorrow, you don't have to worry, everything will be fine. You trust Angela, right?
Lucy: yes absolutely
Tim: so ?
Lucy: I will help you tomorrow Nyla
Nyla : thank you
Angela: And I'll keep an eye on Tim
Lucy : thank you Angela
Tim: let's go home now Lucy
Lucy: bye girls, see you tomorrow
Angela: bye bye
Nyla : see ya

*7 p.m.*

*At Tim and Lucy's apartment*

Lucy: I'm gonna cook dinner, what do you wanna eat?
Tim: anything you want my love
Lucy: *Looks in the fridge* spaghetti bolognese ?
Tim: that's perfect

*While Lucy cooks, Tim sends a text to Angela*

Tim: our plan was a success, thank U
Angela: 😉 It's because it was perfect
Tim: 😂
Angela: what time is your appointment tomorrow?
Tim: from 10 to 11 a.m.
Angela: If I pick you up at 9:30 is that okay?
Tim: that's perfect
Angela: great
Tim: see ya tomorrow
Angela: Good night

*Back to reality, 20 minutes later*

Lucy: dinner's ready
Tim: mmh that smells so good

*After washing the dishes*

Tim: I'm going to bed, I'm tired
Lucy: me too

Tim: *Lie down in bed* it feels good to finally going back to work
Lucy: yes, that was great, tiring but great
Tim: good night baby
Lucy: good night babe

*They kiss and fall asleep*

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