Chapter 24

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*when Lucy looks at Tim, she sees him asleep. She tried to grab her phone but realized she forgot it in the car so she takes Tim's and calls Angela*

*On the phone*

Angela : hey Tim, how are you ?
Lucy : it's Lucy, I'm calling with Tim's phone
Angela : oh Lucy, are you both okay ?
Lucy : yes, we went to the beach with Tim
Angela : yeah great how was it ?
Lucy : hummm, emotional. But now Tim's asleep, I can't drive home and he's so tired that I don't want him to drive, it's too risky, can you come pick us up please ?
Angela : ofc, I'm coming with Wesley so that we can also bring your car. We'll be there in 30 min
Lucy : thanks Angela, I send you our location. See u
Angela : thx, see u

*Lucy sits down to watch the sunset*

*30 minutes later*

Angela : hey Lucy
Lucy : *turns around* hi Angela
Wesley : how are you ?
Lucy : fine, but Tim's so tired
Angela : we'll drive you home
Lucy : thank you so much for coming
Angela : that's normal. We should wake up Tim
Lucy : yep *to Tim* babe, we have to go home, it's late
Tim : *no answer*
Lucy : *shakes him kindly* Tim, Tim we have to go home, wake up
Tim : *still no answer*
Lucy : why doesn't he wake up?
Angela : He must be deeply asleep. Tim, it's me Angela, you have to go home, you'll be able to sleep there.
Tim : *opens his eyes* Angela, Wesley ?
Wesley : Lucy called us to drive you home as you were asleep
Lucy : I didn't want you to drive, you are too tired

*They pack up their things*

Angela : *to Lucy* Here, your crutches
Lucy : thanks

*They walk to the car, Tim is at the back of the group*

Wesley : *looks at Tim* Tim you're okay ?
Tim : *has difficulty breathing* *panting*
Wesley : *runs to him* what's happening

*Angela and Lucy go to Tim too*

Tim : I... I don't know... I... I ca... I can't breathe
Wesley : sit down in this bench
Lucy : *worried* what the problem ?
Tim : my... My... My lungs... It... It hurts
Angela : we have to drive you to the hospital

*They arrived to Angela and Wesley's car*

Angela : Wes, I'm driving, I have my police card in case we get stopped for speeding
Wesley : no problem

*Lucy and Tim are in the back*

Tim : *panicking*
Lucy : *holds his head on her laps* it's okay, you'll be fine
Tim : I... I'm... tired
Wesley : No Tim, don't fall asleep, we need you to stay awake

*Angela drives fast, 5 kilometers from the hospital, she gets stopped by the police, luckily they are Mid-Wilshire agents*

Grey : hands visible on the steering wheel
Angela : Grey we have to go quickly
Grey : Lopez, Evers, what's you problem ?
Angela : we have to drive Tim to the hospital ASAP he has trouble breathing
Grey : *looks in the back of the car* follow me *He escorts them to the hospital* Keep me informed

*They get out of the car*

Tim : *almost falls*
Wesley : Hey, lean on me
Lucy : *struggles to follow them*
Angela : Wes, go with Tim to the ER, I'll help Lucy
Wesley : okay

*In the ER*

Wesley : *shouting* I need help, my friend has a lot of trouble breathing
Nurse : lie him in the gurney. What's happening?

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