Chapter 20

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*Lucy lies down. Tim takes off all her bandages*

Tim : *talking about the wound she has because of the bullet she received in her right side* okay, it's not infected, I'll still have to clean the wound
Lucy : *frowns as he disinfects her wound, moves too much*
Tim : do I hurt you ?
Lucy : yes but it's okay, you don't have any choice
Tim : I'll try to be fast

*After finishing cleaning her wounds and helping Lucy get ready*

Tim : I'm going to prepare something before going to the beach
Lucy : okay, you're so mysterious
Tim : *winks at her*

*5 minutes later, he comes back to the room with a backpack*

Tim : you ready to go ?
Lucy : yes
Tim : let me help you walk to the car

*They go to the car*

*In the parking lot of the beach*

Tim : here we are *get out of the car, opens Lucy's door and gives her her crunches*
Lucy : thank you

*Tim takes the backpack and they go to the beach*

Tim : We have to find a place in the shade, you can't expose yourself to too much sun
Lucy : yes

*After finding a place in the shade*

Tim : wait a second. *He takes a blanket out of the backpack.* Here, you can sit
Lucy : wow, so romantic
Tim : and you haven't seen everything yet *he takes a candy packet out of the bag*
Lucy : no way, my favorites
Tim : that's what I took these candies. I also brought some water
Lucy : you thought about everything, you're perfect.

*They sit in front of the ocean and kiss for a moment*

*After a while, Lucy puts her head on Tim's shoulder. Tim rolls back taking Lucy with him, they find themselves lying on the blanket*

Tim : Lucy
Lucy : yes Tim ?
Tim : y'know when you were abducted, I... I was so scared. When dispatch told me that Aaron had a problem and wanted some backups and I to come, my heart stopped. I...
Lucy : *avoiding his look* Tim, you don't have to talk about it
Tim : but I need to, I need to talk about it because I think of what happened, all the time. Maybe if I explain how I felt, it'll be better. But if you don't wanna hear about this, I can shut up.
Lucy : no no Tim, it's okay, if I can help you just by listening to you, I'll be happy

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