Chapter 13

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*Just after lunch, the doctor comes to check on Lucy and prepares her to go home*

Doctor: your vitals are good, now I'll take out your IV and change your bandages. It's going to sting a little
Tim : you can squeeze my hand if you want
Lucy : *squeezes his hand as a 'thank you'* I don't like needles
Tim : don't look at it, look at me
Doctor : you ready ?
Lucy : yes. *As the doctor takes off her IV, Lucy frowns and squeezes Tim's hand*
Tim : *puts the palm of his hand on her cheek to reassure her* it's okay
Doctor : the IV's out, now I'll change your bandages.

*The doctor changes Lucy's right side bandage, the one on her head and those she wears on her wrists because of the rope that kept her tied to the chair when she was kidnapped*

Doctor : everything good *he signes Lucy's file* you can go home Mrs Chen.
Lucy : thank you Doctor

*Lucy gets out of bed to put on her clothes, and prepares her stuff. Tim has sent a text to Angela, she's on her way. Ofc Tim helps Lucy*

Tim : let me help you get ready.
Lucy : thanks
Tim : *takes off her hospital gown* I don't wanna hurt you so tell me if I do
Lucy : don't worry

*Lucy is ready, Tim kisses her*

Tim : let me take your backpack
Lucy : thank you, can you give me my crutches please
Tim : *gives them*

*By text*
Angela : Hi Tim, I'm in the parking lot
Tim : thx we leave the the room

*Back to reality*
Tim : Angela is here
Lucy : okay let's go

*Lucy takes a step but almost fell, hopefully Tim was there to catch her*

Tim : hey take it slow, Angela can wait *he puts his right hand on her back to make sure she doesn't fall*

*Leaving the hospital, Tim sees Angela's car and walks towards it with Lucy. He greets Angela before helping Lucy to enter into the car*

Tim : thank you so much Angela for picking us up
Angela : don't thank me, it's normal

*Angela drives to their apartment*

*In the parking lot of the building*

Angela : here we are
Tim : *knowing what's happening inside the apartment* do you want to come and drink something ?
Angela : yes why not, but not for long, Wesley is waiting for me
Tim : great. *To Lucy* you're okay ?
Lucy : yes I am
Tim : let me help you go home
Lucy : thanks Tim

*Angela takes Lucy's bag*

Tim : don't bother Angela, I'll take it
Angela : that's not a problem, I can take it
Tim : okay thank you

*Tim, Lucy and Angela enter in the apartment where all their friends are hidden*

*Tim opens the door and help Lucy to go inside*

Everyone : SURPRISE 🎉🎉

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