Chapter 93

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Tim: *settles back against the pillows and switches on the TV* So, Lucy, what do you wanna watch tonight?

Lucy: *a glint of excitement in her eyes* Let's go big for our last night here. How about the Marvel movie "Avengers: Endgame"? It's the ultimate finale, packed with action, emotion, and triumph.

Tim: *grins* Perfect choice, Lucy. *He starts the film*

*As the opening scenes unfold, Tim and Lucy are immediately drawn into the gravity of the Avengers' predicament. They watch in awe as Tony Stark records his heartfelt message in space, feeling the weight of desperation and determination in his words, knowing that he had just lost the fight against Thanos, and that a lot of his friends disappeared, erased by the Mad Titan, including Peter Parker, the teenager he considered his son*

Tim: *leaning forward with anticipation* Here it comes, Lucy. Cap versus Thanos. This scene always sends chills down my spine.

Lucy: *nods* Yes, it's the moment we've been waiting for. The final showdown.

*As the battle reaches its climax, they're on the edge of their seats, swept up in the intensity of the fight. They cheer as their favorite heroes make their triumphant return, rallying against the forces of evil with unwavering resolve*

Lucy: *clutches Tim's hand tightly* I can't believe the sacrifices they're making, Tim. It's heart-wrenching.

Tim: *squeezes Lucy's hand in return* I know, Lucy. Black Widow sacrificing herself for the Soul Stone, it's a moment of profound courage and sacrifice. She gave everything to save the universe.

*Their emotions swell as they witness the ultimate sacrifice made by Black Widow, tears streaming down their cheeks as they bid farewell to one of their beloved heroes*

Lucy: *voice choked with emotion* She was willing to give up everything for the greater good, Tim. It's both heartbreaking and inspiring.

Tim: *his eyes shimmering with tears* That's the essence of heroism, Lucy. Sacrificing for the greater good, even when it's the hardest thing to do.

*As the movie progresses, they're captivated by the portal scene, where every hero arrives, thanks to Doctor Strange's foresight. They cheer as Steve Rogers wields Mjolnir, proving himself worthy in the eyes of the gods.*

Tim: *in awe* Did you see that, Lucy? Steve Rogers, worthy to wield Mjolnir. It's legendary.

Lucy: *nods in agreement* Absolutely, Tim. I knew, just like Thor, Steve was worthy since I watched Avengers Age of Ultron. Cap is the embodiment of everything good and noble.

*As the battle between the Avengers and Thanos ensues, they're on the edge of their seats, rooting for their favorite heroes with every fiber of their being*

Tim: *gritting his teeth* Come on, Cap! You can do it!

Lucy: *clenching her fists* We believe in you, Cap!

*Their hearts swell with pride as the Avengers fight valiantly against impossible odds, never giving up hope even in the face of certain defeat.*

Tim: *as Tony Stark makes his final sacrifice* No, Tony! *tears welling up in his eyes* He did it, Lucy. He saved us all.

Lucy: *her voice trembling* He's a true hero, Tim. He'll be remembered forever. He did it because like Pepper wrote on his Arc Reactor, Tony Stark has a heart.

*Their emotions are raw as they watch Steve Rogers bid farewell to his friends, choosing to return to the past and live out his life with Peggy Carter*

Lucy: *wiping away tears* Steve... *her voice breaks* He's my favorite character, he deserves his happy ending with Peggy, Tim. But Bucky...

Tim: *squeezing Lucy's hand* I know, Lucy. Bucky will miss him, but Steve did what he thought was right. He's earned his peace. And Bucky's not alone, he has Sam to keep him company.

*As the movie draws to a close, they're filled with a sense of awe and gratitude for the journey they've been on with these characters. They find solace in the hope and resilience portrayed on screen, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there's always a glimmer of light.*

Tim: *as the credits roll* That was an incredible journey, Lucy. *Turns to her with a soft smile* Thank you for sharing it with me.

Lucy: *smiles back, her eyes shining with affection* Thank you, Tim. It's been a memorable night, filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between.

Tim: *savoring the moment* Let's cherish this last night here, Lucy. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new chapter for us.

Lucy: *nods, her expression is thoughtful* You know, Tim, watching this movie makes me think about the five years of the Blip. It must have been so difficult for everyone who lived through it.

Tim: *reflecting on the events* Yeah, it's hard to imagine what it must have been like, half the population disappearing in an instant, and then suddenly reappearing five years later. The world must have been in chaos.

Lucy: *placing a hand on Tim's arm* But through it all, people found a way to keep going. They rebuilt, they persevered. It's a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Tim: *smiling at Lucy* Just like us, Lucy. Through all the challenges we've faced, we've found a way to keep moving forward. And tomorrow, we'll take another step toward our future, together.

Lucy: *nods, her expression saddened* Yeah, but it's also bittersweet to think about Tony Stark's sacrifice and Captain America leaving Bucky alone to go back in the past, again.

Tim: placing a comforting arm around Lucy I know, Lucy. It's heartbreaking to see them part ways after everything they've been through together. But I like to think that they'll find their way back to each other someday, and we'll be able to see them in another movie, especially since the arrival of the Multiverse

Tim: *yawns* I'm feeling exhausted after all the emotions from the movie.

Lucy: *nods sleepily* Me too, Tim. But it's a good kind of tired.

Tim: *turns off the bedside lamp* Yeah, it feels like we're finally closing one chapter and opening a new one tomorrow, just like in the movie. Marvel ended phase 3 and started phase 4.

Lucy: *snuggles closer to Tim* I can't wait to start our new journey together outside of this hospital room.

Tim: *wraps an arm around Lucy* It's going to be amazing, Lucy. We'll face whatever comes our way, together.

Lucy: *gazing into Tim's eyes* Thank you for being my rock, Tim. I don't know what I would have done without you.

Tim: *smiles* You don't have to thank me, Lucy. I'll always be here for you, no matter what.

*They share a tender moment, their love and gratitude shining brightly in the dim light of the room*

Tim: *brushing a stray hair from Lucy's face* Goodnight, Lucy. Sweet dreams.

Lucy: *closes her eyes with a contented sigh* Goodnight, Tim. I love you.

Tim : *kisses the top of her head* I love you too

*As they drift off to sleep, their breathing slows and their bodies relax*

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