Chapter 27

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*next morning*

Angela : *to Wesley* I think I'll take a day off today, I'll stay with Lucy, she shouldn't be alone
Wesley : good idea
Angela : can you take Lucy while I call Grey ?
Wesley : of course

*Angela puts Lucy's head, still asleep, on Wesley shoulder, she goes in the hallway to call Grey*

*By phone*

Grey : Sargent Grey, I'm listening
Angela : hey Sarg, it's Angela
Grey : how are you ?
Angela : can I take a day off ?
Grey : why ?
Angela : Tim had a problem in the night, he's in the hospital, he had to be intubated, his lungs were crashing
Grey : do you know why ?
Angela : we don't know what happened, yet, I wanted to keep Lucy company today, she is devastated, so can I take a day off ?
Grey : of course, I'll try to come in the day.
Angela : thank you Grey
Grey : Good luck Lopez
Angela : thanks, bye
Grey : bye

*Angela comes back to the room*

Angela : it's okay for Grey if I take the day off
Wesley : great
Angela : you have some work today ?
Wesley : no, well not in court, but I'll work on Lucy's case.
Angela : you have any conclusive evidences ?
Wesley : yep but the trial will be in some months
Angela : you still have time to find other things then
Wesley : I do, I have to go. *He puts Lucy back on Angela's shoulder* see you tonight. I love you
Angela : I love you too. *they kiss* see ya.

*20 minutes after Wesley left*

Lucy : *asleep and agitated* mmmh Tim, I'm here, Tim, Tim no, don't leave me, babe
Angela : hey Lucy, Lucy wake up, it's okay, you're having a nightmare
Lucy : *wakes up abruptly, panting* T... Tim
Angela : Lucy, he's still intubated, you don't remember
Lucy : ye... Yeah I... I remember

*She stands up and goes sit down on a chair next to Tim's bed*

Lucy : *holding Tim's hand* Has his condition not changed?
Angela : no
Lucy : *crying* I don't want him to stay intubated forever
Angela : he'll wake up, Tim doesn't like to lose, you know him, he'll make a full recovery
Lucy : but what if... What if he wakes up but can't live without an oxygen mask, he won't be able to continue working as a police officer
Angela : don't think about that for now

*Lucy is holding Tim's right hand. Suddenly, she feels one of his finger moving*

Lucy : Angela, he moved a finger
Angela : really ?
Lucy : yes he did
Angela : let me call a doctor
Lucy : I think he's waking up

*Angela runs to a doctor*

Angela : *to the doctor* he moved a finger
Lucy : yes I felt it
Doctor : let me examine him

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