Chapter 7

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*10 minutes after the doctor leaves, Angela, Grey, Nyla, John and Wesley arrive at the hospital*

*They rush to the desk of the waiting room*

Angela : we're here to see Lucy Chen
Nurse : she's still in surgery, you'll have to wait with her boyfriend *points at Tim*

*They walk to him*

*Angela sees he's crying, she sits next to him and hugs him without saying anything for 5 minutes*

Grey : *to Tim* how is she ?
Tim : *sobbing* I don't know right now, 15 minutes ago one of her doctors came to explain to me what she has, but then...
Nyla : *sits next to Tim and puts her hand on his shoulder to reassure him* Then what ?
Tim : He said that she was under cardiac arrest and asked me if they had to do CPR or let her go. *Starts crying again*
John : what did you say
Tim : yes, ofc, revive her

*The doctor enters the waiting room*

Doctor : Tim Bradford ?
Tim : yes *wipes down his tears*, how is she, don't tell me she died please
Doctor: she regained a normal heart rate, we're still working on her injuries, the surgery will be longer though.
Tim : thank you so much Doc

*Tim falls into Angela's arms, he is reassured*
Angela : told you she'll make it, she is a warrior.

*They all go to sit back*

Tim : she still has a lot of injuries though.
The bullet was near her spine, she has internal bleeding, a head trauma and a broken foot. She will most likely need rehabilitation for her foot. Oh and she is dehydrated.
John : we'll all be there for her.
Grey : yes we will help you.
Tim : *with a little smile* thank you guys

Tim : *to Wesley* as the 2 men are dead, I suppose that legally we can't do anything.
Wesley : well, we can't sue them but we could pursue their boss, Rosalind Dyer.
Tim : she's already in jail.
Wesley : she gained a sentence reduction, but with what she did we could extend her time in prison.
Tim : on what legal principle?
Wesley : we can't charge her with attempted premeditated murder since she didn't approach Lucy. However, according to article 121-6 of the Penal Code *(that's the real article in France, not in the US as idk it)*, the accomplice of a murder incurs the same sentence as the person who committed the crime. Here we are not in the presence of a murder, Lucy is still alive so the sentence will not be as high as if Lucy had been killed. Of course I will represent Lucy in court and plead her case, I will do everything to lengthen Rosalind's sentence.
Tim : thank you very much Wesley.

*6 hours later, Tim is sleeping on Angela's shoulder*

*The doctor enters the room, Angela sees him and gently shakes Tim*

Angela : Tim, Tim wake up, Lucy's doctor's here
Tim : *gets up quickly* How is she ?
Doctor : we finished her surgery and have put her in a room. We were able to treat all her injuries, we are hoping for a full recovery.
Tim : can we see her ?
Doctor : she's still asleep, but yes. However only one of you can see her for the moment.

*Tim looks at his friends*

Angela : go, we are waiting here. Tell us how she is.
Tim : thanks

*Tim follows the doctor to Lucy's room. He stops in front of the door*

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