Chapter 89

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*8:30 a.m next morning*

*Angela and Wesley wake up, they go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast*

Wesley : what can we do today? Gotta get Tim and Lucy to enjoy their day out of the hospital
Angela : I don't know, we'll ask them what they wanna do
Wesley : do you think we should wake 'em up ?
Angela : No, it's better to let them sleep

*9:30 a.m.*

Tim : *wakes up and kisses Lucy's head, still asleep on his chest*
Lucy : mmhh Tim ?
Tim : yeah ?
Lucy : I had the best night in months
Tim : yes, me too
Lucy : you're such a good pillow, the best pillow
Tim : glad I'm useful for something and not completely useless
Lucy : Hey *pats Tim's arm and lifts her head to look Tim in the eyes* don't make me say what I didn't say, what would I do without you?
Tim : mmhh, you couldn't sleep that's for sure since I'm your pillow
Lucy: *laughs and rests her head back on Tim's chest, intertwining their fingers*
Tim: *traces circles on her back with his free hand* You know, I never stopped thinking about you, even when I was in that coma. I heard your voice every day, that's what allowed me to fight, I wanted to see you again more than anything in the world
Lucy: *lifts her head again to meet his gaze, a soft smile playing on her lips* you did ? I didn't know of you could hear me. I'm glad that was the case.
Tim: Your love was like a beacon in the darkness, guiding me back to you. *presses a gentle kiss to her forehead* I'm just grateful we're here together now, safe and sound.
Lucy: Me too. It's like we've been given a second chance at happiness.
Tim: *tightens his embrace around her* And I promise to cherish every moment of it, with you by my side.
Lucy: *leans in to kiss him softly* I love you, Tim.
Tim: *returns the kiss, his heart overflowing with love* I love you too, Lucy. More than words can express.
Lucy: *rests her head back on his chest, a contented sigh escaping her lips* I never want this moment to end.
Tim: *holds her close, savoring the warmth of her presence* Then let's stay like this forever, just you and me.
Lucy: *nuzzles closer to him* Forever sounds perfect to me. But Angela and Wesley are probably waiting for us to get up.

*They get ready and go to the kitchen*

Tim: Good morning, you two. Smells amazing in here.

Angela: *turns from the stove with a bright smile* Good morning, sleepyheads. Breakfast will be ready in just a few minutes.

Wesley: *chops fruit at the counter* How did you two sleep?

Lucy: Like babies, thanks to Tim's excellent pillow skills.

Tim: *chuckles* Yes apparently that's what I'm useful to

Angela: Well, we're glad you both got some rest. You look refreshed.

Lucy: We feel refreshed. It's been a while since we had a peaceful night's sleep.

Wesley: *slides a plate of freshly cut fruit onto the table* Here, have some while you wait for breakfast.

Tim: Thanks, Wesley *reaches for a slice of pineapple*

*Angela serves breakfast*

Lucy : Thanks for breakfast. It's delicious.

Angela: *smiles* You're welcome. It's the least we could do after everything you two have been through.

Wesley: So, what do you guys wanna do today before you head back to the hospital?

Lucy: *looks at Tim* Well, we don't have a lot of time, and Tim gets tired pretty easily...

Tim: Yeah, I didn't completely recover yet

Angela: No worries, we can still find something fun

Wesley: How about a picnic in the park? It's a beautiful day outside, and we can find a spot with easy access for Tim's wheelchair.

Lucy: That sounds perfect! We could pack some sandwiches and enjoy the sunshine.

Tim: I like the sound of that. It's been ages since we've been out in nature.

Angela: Great! We'll pack a basket, and you guys can relax while we take care of everything.

*At the park*

Tim : *sits under a shady tree, a contented smile on his face as he watches Lucy and Wesley play a game of Frisbee* Today has been wonderful

Lucy: *catches the Frisbee and throws it back to Wesley* It really has. Thank you both for making it so special.

Wesley: *grins* Anytime, guys. We're just happy to see you both smiling again.

Angela: *joins Tim under the tree, handing him a cold drink* Here you go, Tim.

Tim: *takes the drink with a grateful nod* Thanks, Angela.

*At this moment, Tim and Lucy feel grateful for the love and support of their friends*

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