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Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't written anything for so long, I didn't know what to write to continue the story. As I find it already very long (I didn't think, when I started writing it, that there would be so many chapters) and I don't feel like adding new chapters, just for the sake of adding chapters (I'm afraid it would spoil the story), I'm going to stop here with this fanfiction. I think stopping the story after Tim and Lucy's wedding is a good idea. If I keep adding chapters, I'm afraid it'll be redundant since I don't really have any other ideas.

In France, I still haven't been able to see season 6, so I can't use this season as inspiration to continue. That's another reason for my lack of ideas.

While I'm waiting to watch season 6 (and also 7, next year), I've found another series to watch, which I think many people already know : 9-1-1. Maybe I'll write a fanfiction about this series too, I don't know yet.

Anyway, thank you all for showing so much enthusiasm for this story about our favorite Chenford couple, I didn't think my very first fanfiction would have so many readers.

Thank you all and see you soon 😊

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