Chapter 117

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*The sun shines brightly over the Griffith Observatory, casting a golden hue over the lush surroundings. White and gold flowers, matching the wedding theme, adorn the ceremony space, creating an enchanting and romantic atmosphere. The cityscape of Los Angeles stretches out below, a breathtaking backdrop for the most important day of Tim and Lucy's lives.*

*Tim stands at the altar, his eyes scanning the arriving guests, his heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Wesley, his best man, stands beside him, offering a reassuring smile. Sergeant Grey, standing in his role as the officiant, exudes a calm and composed presence, a steadying influence on Tim's emotions.*

*As the last guests take their seats, the music starts. A soft melody fills the air, signaling the beginning of the ceremony. Tim takes a deep breath, his eyes fixed on the entrance, waiting for his bride.*

*Lucy's car arrives at the observatory. Angela and Nyla help her out, careful not to disturb her stunning dress. Lucy feels a wave of emotion wash over her as she looks at the beautifully decorated venue. This is the moment she has been waiting for.*

Angela: *whispering* You look stunning, Lucy. Tim’s going to be blown away.

Nyla: *smiling* This is it. Ready to walk down the aisle?

Lucy: *her heart pounding with anticipation* Ready.

*The music shifts to the bridal march. All eyes turn to the entrance as Lucy appears, her dress shimmering in the sunlight. She takes a deep breath, clutching her bouquet tightly, and starts her walk down the aisle. Angela and Nyla follow closely behind her, their expressions a mix of pride and joy.*

*Tim's breath catches in his throat as he sees Lucy. She looks like a vision, every bit the princess he imagined. Her eyes lock with his, and in that moment, everything else fades away. It's just the two of them, and the love they share.*

*Lucy walks down the aisle, her steps light and confident. She sees the empty chairs reserved for those they have lost, a poignant reminder of the people who are with them in spirit. Her heart aches slightly, but the overwhelming joy of the day fills her with strength.*

*As Lucy reaches the altar, Tim steps forward, taking her hand in his. They share a tender smile, their love and excitement palpable. Sergeant Grey clears his throat, drawing the attention of the gathered guests.*

Grey: *in a strong, steady voice* Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Tim and Lucy. Two people who have found each other in this vast world and have chosen to spend their lives together. Today, we honor their love, their journey, and the beautiful future they are about to create as husband and wife.

*Tim and Lucy exchange a glance, their hands tightly clasped. Grey continues, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.*

Grey: *addressing the guests* Tim and Lucy's story is one of resilience, courage, and unwavering commitment. They have faced numerous challenges together. I have an anecdote for the ones who don't know yet, Lucy saved Tim during her first day as a rookie. And through all the challenges, their love has only grown stronger. It is this love that brings us here today, to celebrate their decision to spend the rest of their lives together.

*He turns to Tim and Lucy, his expression softening.*

Grey: Tim, Lucy, before we actually start this marriage, I have something to tell you. I consider you both my own children, I am very happy that you chose me to officiate your wedding, and I'm happy to have made you a TO-Rookie duo on the first day of Lucy's class.
Now, Tim, Lucy, as you stand here today, ready to join your lives in marriage, remember that this bond is built on trust, respect, and a deep, abiding love. It is a partnership, a commitment to support each other in all that you do, and to face the world together, no matter what comes your way.

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