Chapter 78

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*Back with Tim and Lucy*

*At 1 a.m.*

*Tim wakes up out of breath and sweating from a nightmare, he tries to catch his breath quietly so as not to wake up Lucy. The nightmare seemed so real to him that he had trouble coming to his senses*

*15 minutes later, Tim has managed to calm down but can't get back to sleep, he lies there watching Lucy sleep*

*One hour later, Tim's still awake. He sees Lucy getting agitated and moaning*

Tim : *puts his hand on her shoulder and whispers* shh it's okay Lucy, calm down

*Lucy is getting more and more agitated, she wakes up sweating and struggling*

Tim : *straightens up to take her in his arms* Lucy it's okay
Lucy : *struggles even more* no don't hurt me, leave me alone Chris, I'll call Tim and he'll beat you
Tim : *with a calm tone* Lucy don't worry it's me, it's Tim, it's just a nightmare
Lucy : *looks at Tim in the eyes* T... Tim ?
Tim : *strokes her face* yes it's me
Lucy : *bursts in tears in Tim's arms*
Tim : hey don't cry everything's fine, I'm right here *he straightens his bed to lean back*
Lucy : *in tears* it... it seemed s... so real
Tim : yes I know baby, but don't worry, it was just a nightmare, you're safe here
Lucy : he... he was there
Tim : no Lucy, no one was there, it's just the two of us
Lucy : he... he wanted to... to hurt me
Tim : I'll always protect you
Lucy : *sniffs* thank you

*Lucy stays in Tim's arms for about 10 minutes*

Tim : *breaks the silence* do you wanna talk about it ?
Lucy : I don't want to burden you
Tim : no Lucy it's okay, if you need to, we can talk about your nightmare, you know, I had one too, that's why I was already awake
Lucy : you too ?
Tim : yes
Lucy : if I tell you mine, you'll tell me yours ?
Tim : if that's what you want
Lucy : *nods* so I was at home, you were doing extra work to help Angela and Chris entered the apartment. He lunged at me and pinned me against the living room wall. He spoke a language that I didn't understand. He was hitting me violently and I was struggling, I wanted to call you but my phone was in the kitchen. Then he hit me with such force that I fell to the ground, passed out, that's when I woke up
Tim : that's horrible, but don't worry, Chris's dead, he can't hurt you
Lucy : what about your nightmare?
Tim : I more or less relived your kidnapping. Except this time, we found you too late, I... I held your lifeless body in my hands *has a tear rolling over his face* when I woke up, I thought that was real
Lucy : oh Tim, that's horrible, but I'm here, I'm alive
Tim : it's the trial that goes to our heads too much
Lucy : can't wait for it to be finished
Tim : yes me too. We should go back to sleep baby
Lucy : I can't
Tim : me neither, I've been awake for over an hour and I can't go back to sleep

*5 a.m.*

*Lucy and Tim finally manage to fall asleep while cuddling*

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