Chapter 90

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*At the end of the day*

Wesley : well, it's almost 5:30 p.m., we already have to take you back to the hospital
Tim : The day went by quickly
Angela : It’s a shame you couldn’t stay longer
Wesley : We can go out more often when you go out for good
Lucy : obviously

*Wesley and Angela drive Tim and Lucy to their hospital room*

*At the hospital*

Angela: *helps Tim into his bed* Alright, Tim, Lucy, We hope to see you outside very soon. In the meantime we will continue to come regularly as we did, we'll not abandon you

Tim: *nods* Thank you both for driving us here and spending the day with us.

Lucy: *smiles* Yes, we really appreciate everything you've done for us.

Wesley: It was our pleasure. We're just glad we could spend some quality time together.

Angela: And we're thrilled that the trial went in your favor. You both deserve justice and peace of mind.

Tim: *grateful* Thank you. It means a lot to us to have your support.

Lucy: *tears glistening in her eyes* We couldn't have made it through these past few months without you.

Angela: *pulls Lucy into a hug* We'll always be here for you, no matter what.

Wesley: *hugs Tim* You two are like family to us. We'll do anything to help you heal and move forward.

Tim: *voice choked with emotion* Thank you, Angela, Wesley. We'll never forget your kindness and generosity.

Lucy: *wipes away her tears* We love you both.

Angela : we gotta go, good night guys

Tim : bye

Lucy : see you

*A few moments later, the doctor enters the room*

Doctor: Good evening, Tim, Lucy. I hope you both had pleasant days out.

Tim: *nods* Yes, it was wonderful, thank you.

Lucy: We feel refreshed and grateful for the time we spent with our friends.

Doctor: That's excellent to hear. I've reviewed your progress, Tim, and I'm pleased with how well you've been responding to your rehabilitation.

Tim: *brightens up* Really? That's great news.

Doctor : Yes, indeed. In fact, if you continue at this pace, I believe we can start discussing the possibility of you leaving the hospital permanently within the next month.

Lucy: *her eyes widens in surprise* Really? That soon?

Doctor : Yes, but there's a catch. I don't want you to rush back to work just yet. Your recovery is still ongoing, and it's crucial that you continue your rehabilitation. You will have to continue to come for your rehabilitation sessions, it is Conrad your physiotherapist who will determine how many times a week you will come

Tim: *nods thoughtfully* I understand. I'll do whatever it takes to get back on my feet properly.

Lucy: We'll make sure Tim follows all the instructions, Doctor. His health is our top priority.

Doctor: That's what I like to hear. With your dedication and commitment to your recovery, Tim, I have no doubt that you'll be back to your old self in no time.

Tim: *grateful* Thank you, Doctor. We appreciate all your support and guidance.

Lucy: Yes, thank you for everything.

Doctor : It's my pleasure. Now, let's keep up the good work, shall we? We have a bright future ahead of us.

*As Dr. Evans leaves the room, Tim and Lucy share a hopeful glance*

*Lucy lies down with her head on Tim's chest*

Lucy : just one month left
Tim : *rubs her hair* yes, just one month

*They lie there happy, Lucy has her head on Tim, and they eventually fall asleep*

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