Chapter 31

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[First of all, I would like to point out that the illness Tim suffers from probably does not exist in real life, I am not studying medicine, so the little knowledge I have in this area comes from TV shows like Grey's Anatomy, The Resident or Good Doctor. Therefore, I apologize if medical terms are misused.]

*Lucy, Angela and John go in John's car and head to the station. Lucy is sitting on the passenger seat, she zones out, looking through the window. Angela is sitting in the back and John is driving*

Angela : Lucy you okay ?
Lucy : *no answer*
Angela : Lucy ?
Lucy : oh sorry, yeah ?
Angela : you okay ?
Lucy : I don't know
Angela : we're gonna find who did that to Tim. I promise
Lucy : thank you. *She has a tear dropping. She wipes it away*
John : *sees her, takes her hand* everything's gonna be fine, you know that
Lucy : *nods*

*Arriving at the station*

John : here we are
Angela : let me take you crutches in the trunk Lucy
Lucy : thanks

*They enter the station*

Nyla : hey guys, what are you doing here ?
Angela : We are here for an investigation
Nyla : for what are we investigating ?
Angela : can we talk in roll call room ?
Nyla : it will be calmer
John : sorry guys, I gotta go, I have some paperwork to do. See you later
Angela : see ya

*Angela, Lucy and Nyla go to roll call room*

Angela : Lucy, take a seat, you can't stay up
Lucy : *sits down*
Nyla : so, what's the problem
Angela : according to the doctor, Tim's got poisoned
Nyla : no way, don't lie to me
Angela : that's true
Nyla : who did that
Angela : we don't know, that's why we're here. Lucy could help us
Nyla : That means we have to question Lucy as a witness
Angela : that's right. We should go to an interrogation room
Lucy : Can't we do it in Tim's office? I'm not comfortable going into the interrogation room, I feel too... confined
Angela : we can if that's what you want.

*They go to Tim's office, Lucy sits down on the little couch Tim has in his office*

Angela : if we want to follow the rules, I've to ask if you want your lawyer to be here during the questioning
Lucy : *starts to panic* but I... I didn't do anything wrong, I... I'm not guilty
Nyla : don't worry Lucy, it's just the protocol, even the witnesses can have a lawyer, even if they didn't do anything
Lucy : will it be easier if I say yes ?
Nyla : he'll be able to take notes, and that will save us from having to transmit the entire interrogation to him, it'd go much faster
Lucy : then yes, I'd like the presence of Wesley during the questioning
Angela : I'm calling him

*Through the phone*

Wesley : Hello Ange, how are you
Angela : fine, listen to me Wes, I need you to come to Mid-Wilshire
Wesley : is there a problem ?
Angela : it's about Tim and Lucy, can you come ?
Wesley: well, I've an unscheduled hearing, immediate court appearance, can I come right after that ?
Angela : yes, thank you Wes
Wesley : bye love you
Angela : love you too

*Back to reality*

Angela : Wesley is court-appointed for an immediate court appearance case, he'll come immediately after that
Lucy : thank you
Angela : While waiting for him, I'm going to pre-fill out the papers, do you wanna stay there or come with us?
Lucy : I'll stay here if you don't mind, it's like Tim was there too
Angela : no problem, call me if you need anything
Lucy : okay

*Angela and Nyla leave Tim's office, leaving Lucy alone*

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