Chapter 96

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*As Tim, Lucy, Angela, and Wesley step out of the car and onto the familiar grounds of the police station, a rush of nostalgia washes over them*

Tim: It's been too long since we've been here. I've missed this place.

Lucy: *nods in agreement* Me too. It feels like coming home.

*With smiles on their faces, they make their way inside the station, Angela and Wesley following closely behind. As they walk down the familiar corridors, memories of past cases and shared moments flood their minds.*

Tim: Let's head to Sergeant Grey's office first. He'll be happy to see us here.

*However, before they can reach their destination, they're greeted by a chorus of familiar voices calling out their names*

Nyla: Tim! Lucy! What are you two doing here?

John: hey, yeah, what are you doing here, it's so good to see you

Aaron: It's great to see you both!

*Even Smitty, is there*

Smitty: Well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence.

*The station buzzes with excitement as colleagues and friends gather around Tim and Lucy, eager to catch up and hear about their unexpected visit*

Grey: *emerging from his office* What's all the commotion about? *Sees Tim and Lucy* Tim? Lucy?

Tim: *grinning* Hey, Sergeant Grey. We just got out of the hospital and wanted to stop by to see everyone and give you a little surprise et vous faire une and surprise you

Lucy: *nods* Yeah, we've missed you all.

*Grey's stern expression softens into a smile as he approaches them, shaking their hands warmly*

Grey: Well, it's a very good surprise. It's good to have you two back. Welcome home.

*The reunion continues as hugs are exchanged, stories are shared, and laughter fills the air. Tim and Lucy catch up with each friend, relishing in the sense of camaraderie and belonging that only the station can provide*

Nyla: So, how's the recovery going, Tim?

John: And Lucy, how are you feeling?

Aaron: We've all been rooting for you two.

Tim: I'll just grab a chair, I can't stand for long at the moment

Angela : *gives Tim and Lucy a chair* here, take a seat, I'm going to get some coffee

*Tim and Lucy express their gratitude for the support and well-wishes, touched by the outpouring of love from their colleagues*

Tim: It hasn't been easy, but we're taking it one day at a time.

Lucy: And having you all here means the world to us.

The atmosphere in the station is filled with warmth and camaraderie as Tim and Lucy catch up with each friend, relishing in the sense of belonging that surrounds them.

Nyla: "So, how's the recovery going, Tim?"

John: "And Lucy, how are you feeling?"

Aaron: "We've all been rooting for you two."

Tim and Lucy express their gratitude for the support and well-wishes, touched by the outpouring of love from their colleagues.

Tim: "It hasn't been easy, but we're taking it one day at a time."

Lucy: "And having you all here means the world to us."

Smitty: *grinning lazily* Well, I must say, it's good to see you two back. Things have been a bit boring around here without your shenanigans.

Tim: *chuckling* Glad to know we kept things interesting for you, Smitty.

Lucy: *playfully nudging Tim* Yeah, Tim's always had a knack for finding trouble.

*The banter continues as Tim and Lucy share stories of their adventures with their friends, laughter echoing through the station*

Grey: *smiling warmly* It's moments like these that remind me why I love this job. You two have always been like family to us.

*Tim and Lucy exchange grateful glances, their hearts full of appreciation for the bonds they've forged with their colleagues over the years*

Tim: *raising his cup of coffee* To family, old and new.

Lucy: *raising her own cup* To friendship, loyalty, and never giving up on each other.

*Their friends join in, raising their cups in a toast to the enduring strength of their bond*

*As the bustling activity of the station fills the air, a young woman strides in, familiar to everyone except Tim and Lucy. John steps forward, a proud grin on his face as he introduces her to the group*

John: Lucy, Bradford, meet Celina. She's my new boot."

*Celina offers a friendly wave and a bright smile, acknowledging her colleagues warmly*

Lucy : wait John, that means...

Tim : you're a TO now Nolan

John: *smiles* yes I am

*Lucy's eyes widen in pleasant surprise, her interest piqued by the news*

Lucy: Wow, John, that's great! Your dream has come true. When did this happen?"

John: About two months ago.

Lucy: Two months? But, why didn't you tell us sooner, we saw each other at the trial?

*John's smile widens as he explains his reasoning*

John: I wanted it to be a surprise for you guys.

Tim: *To Celina* Hi, I'm Sergeant Tim Bradford, and this is Lucy Chen. Welcome to the team."

*Celina returns their smiles, her eyes bright with enthusiasm*

Celina: Thanks, it's nice to meet you both. I've heard a lot about you guys.

Lucy: Celina, what's it like having John as your TO?

Tim : our oldest rookie *laughs*

Celina: Oh, he's been great so far! Really supportive and knowledgeable. I'm lucky to have him as my mentor.

*Lucy nods in approval, pleased to hear Celina's positive feedback.*

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