Chapter 14

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*Lucy jumps while hearing everyone shouting but bursts out laughing when she sees all her friends gathered for her*

Lucy : what a surprise
Tim : you like it?
Lucy : oh yes
Angela : Tim prepared everything
Lucy : *to Tim* really ? When did you have time to prepare everything ?
Tim : I didn't do so much, our friends did. I just asked them if they were okay to prepare a little something for you, I didn't expect 'em to do so much.
John : that was not difficult and it was pretty fast to prepare that
Wesley : Well, we're not going to stay up all evening, let's go have a drink

*They all go to the living room, Lucy sits on the couch next to Tim*

John : so Lucy, what do you wanna drink ? beer ? wine ? whiskey ?
Tim : Nolan, no alcohol for Lucy
Lucy : I have to take some meds
John : oh yeah right, so Coca-Cola, Orangina, Lipton ICE tea ?
Lucy : I'll drink some Ice tea please John.

*2 hours later*

Tim : *whispers to Lucy* it's time to take your meds, I'll get 'em for you
Lucy : thanks

*Tim comes back with Lucy's meds and gives them to her*

Lucy : *takes them* thank you my love

*After 1 more hour*

*Lucy starts to be tired, she puts her head on Tim's shoulder who kisses her forehead*

Grey : we should let Lucy get some rest, she must be tired
Bailey : you're right
Nyla : yes we'll leave you guys
Aaron : yep, that was a great evening

*Bailey, John, Nyla and Aaron leave the apartment*

*Lucy was asleep on Tim shoulder*

Tim : *to Grey* eh Sarge, can I do my paperwork at home ? The doctor said Lucy cannot stay alone
Grey : don't worry Bradford, work can wait, just take care of Lucy
Tim : thank you Grey

*Grey leaves too, it's just Angela and Wesley*

Tim : so Wesley, do you think we can legally do something against Rosalind
Wesley : actually I wanted to talk to you about it

*Lucy wakes up*

Lucy : oh sorry, I must have fallen asleep
Tim : no it's okay. Lucy, do you think now it's a good time to talk with Wesley about what we can legally do to avenge your kidnapping ?
Lucy : there is no good time for that, so I suppose the earlier is the best

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