Chapter 62

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*They watch the movie*

*At the end, Angela and Nyla enters the room*

Angela : hi, you awake
Tim : *whispers* Angela, Nyla
Nyla : how are you ?
Tim : better
Angela : what were you watching ?
Lucy : Dune 2
Angela : Wesley took me to see it at the movies. I would have preferred that Paul Atreides...
Nyla : ssshhhh don't spoil anything, I have to watch it with James
Lucy : then we won't say anything
Angela : did you watch the first one ?
Nyla : yes, 2 days ago, I'm sure of one thing
Tim : what ?
Nyla : Paul will end up in a relationship with Chani
Lucy : you'll have to watch the second movie to know

*Knock knock*

*The doctor enters*

Doctor: I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Bradford you need to run some tests to be sure that there is no longer any trace of the molecule that made you sick in your lungs. That means a CT scan, MRI and ultrasound just to be sure. A nurse will come in a few minutes to take you to run these tests
Tim : *whispers* thanks

*The doctor leaves*

Lucy : I hope there is really no trace of this weird molecule left
Tim : there won't, it's gonna be okay
Angela : we're sorry, Grey just sent us a text, he needs us, we gotta go. Keep us informed of the results of these tests
Lucy : will do, good luck
Tim : bye
Nyla : see you

*As they leave the room, a nurse enters*

Nurse : so Mr. Bradford, ready to run some tests ?
Tim : *nods*
Nurse : *to Lucy* he should come back in 2 hours
Lucy : okay thank you

*The nurse takes Tim*

*10 minutes after Tim leaves, Lucy falls asleep*

*For the first time in a long time, since she was abducted, she doesn't have a bad dream. She finally has restful sleep*

*2 hours later, Tim comes back. The nurse puts his bed back next to Lucy's.*

Tim : *watches her sleep, smiles and murmurs* you're so beautiful, even when you sleep, I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I love you *then he falls asleep too*

I'm sorry if you think the chapter is short and the updates take a long time to be published.
I have a huge amount of work to do for uni. Thanks for your comprehension

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