Chapter 21

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Tim : so, when dispatch told me that Aaron had a problem and wanted some backups and I to come, my heart stopped. I knew that something happened to you
Lucy : Aaron could have called you because you're a Sergeant
Tim : he would have called a supervisor, not especially me
Lucy : yeah right
Tim : I hurried to your location and saw Aaron hurt with that woman. I looked for you everywhere but couldn't find you. I was so worried I had a panic attack. Angela arrived with her team but she didn't start to look after you, she ran towards me, she saw that I couldn't breathe. When I saw her, I lost control, she hugged me as I was crying. She wanted me to go home but I couldn't, I had to find you quickly. As I wasn't able to drive, she brought me back to Mid-Wilshire. Grey had reunited everyone in roll call room to find you. I couldn't pull myself together. At the end of the meeting, Grey wanted me to go home to sleep, I told him that I couldn't, so he authorized me to help find you as long as I stayed in the station, he didn't want me to go with patrol teams. I stayed 3 days without going out of Mid-Wilshire and without sleeping, everyone told me to go to sleep, but, everytime I tried to get some sleep in my office's couch, I imagined you being tortured. The 3rd day, I couldn't even move of the couch, I was lying on and crying. Angela tried to make me eat and drink but impossible. The 4th day, Grey forced me to go home, Angela put me in her car and drove me home. She put a bottle of water and a sandwich on the living room table and told me that I better have everything finished when she came back at the end of the day.

*He stops, he doesn't know if he should continue the story, he knows what happened next*

*he takes a deep breath*

Tim : I tried to listen to Angela and eat the sandwich, but I had lost the taste. I wasn't feeling good, I threw up, everytime I tried to eat something I threw up. I was destroyed and completely tired, so... *pauses* so I took several sleeping pills and a bottle of whiskey and...
Lucy : wait... You mean that... *Looks at his boyfriend. Tears run down his cheeks*
Tim : yes I did...

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