Chapter 70

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Conrad : Well, as I said, you will work on the fine motor skills of your hands. For this, you have cubes placed on the table in front of you, you need to stack them. I want you to make little towers of 4 cubes
Tim : like when I was a kid *laughs*
Conrad : exactly *laughs*
Tim : I was too bad at this game, according to my mother, I preferred to run in all directions
Conrad : This is the case for almost all little boys. Of all the kids I know, the little boys run in all directions while the little girls do calmer activities.
Tim : I have 2 nephews, when the first one was a kid, he was very calm, like the little girls, but the second one, my god, a little storm

*They laugh*

*Tim tries to stack the cubes*

*He manages to grab a cube and place it on another*

Tim : only 2 left

*He manages to put the third one at the top of the others, but when he tries to place the fourth one, the tower collapses*

Tim : oh no
Conrad : you almost do it, try again, you can do it

*Tim tries stacking cubes for 30 minutes*

Conrad : okay, we're going to stop this exercise for today and move on to something else
Tim : Can I keep the cubes to show Lucy what I can do and to practice ?
Conrad : yes if you want
Tim : thank you
Conrad : now, you're going to work your legs. You'll try to stand up
Tim : cool
Conrad : To achieve this, you will support yourself on the parallel bars in front of you. Don't worry, I'll stay close in case you lose your balance
Tim : okay

*Tim puts his hands on the parallel bars and leans on it to get up*

Tim : I did it
Conrad : of course you did it
Tim : now can I walk ?
Conrad : do you feel ready ?
Tim : I do
Conrad : then you can try

*Tim places one foot in front of the other, while remaining supported on the parallel bars. He manages to take a step, but as he takes a second step, he loses his balance. Conrad catches him before he falls*

Tim : whoa thank you
Conrad : *helps Tim sit back in the wheelchair* we're going to stop there for this first session, I'm going to take you back to your room, we'll start again tomorrow
Tim : okay

*Conrad brings Tim back to his room*

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