Chapter 92

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*Tim and Lucy go back to their room to pack their stuff*

Tim: Can you believe it, Lucy? We're finally getting out of here tomorrow!

Lucy: *so happy* I know, Tim! It feels like a dream come true. I can't wait to go home, leave these hospital walls behind us.

Tim: Me too. It's going to be so amazing to be back home with you. I've missed our cozy little apartment.

Lucy: *wraps her arms around Tim* I've missed it too, Tim. But most of all, I've missed just being with you, without all the beeping machines and sterile hospital smells.

Tim: *pulls Lucy into a tender embrace* And I've missed you, Lucy. Your smile, your laugh, your warmth... it's what's kept me going through all of this.

Lucy: *rests her head on Tim's chest, feeling his steady heartbeat* You're my hero, Tim. I don't know how you've stayed so strong through everything.

Tim: *presses a gentle kiss to the top of Lucy's head* It's because of you, Lucy. You've been my anchor, my light in the darkness. I couldn't have done it without you.

*They lay on their bed*

*They gaze into each other's eyes, their love and gratitude radiating between them*

Tim: *softly brushes a strand of hair away from Lucy's face* You know, Lucy, I've dreamed about this moment for so long. Just being here with you, free from all the pain and uncertainty.

Lucy: *reaches out to caress Tim's cheek, her fingertips tracing the lines of his face with affection* Me too, Tim. I've imagined it a thousand times. Just lying here, wrapped in your arms, knowing that we're finally going home together.

Tim: *feels a surge of emotion, he leans in closer to Lucy, his eyes filled with love* Lucy, you mean everything to me. Through all the trials and tribulations, you've been my rock, my guiding light.

Lucy: *her heart swelling with love, she gazes deeply into Tim's eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings reflected back at her* And you, Tim, you've shown me what true strength and resilience look like. From the moment you woke up from your coma, unable to eat on your own, to now, walking almost normally again—it's been incredible to witness your progress.

Tim: *captured by the warmth of Lucy's gaze, he leans in to press a soft kiss against her lips* I couldn't have done it without you, Lucy. Your unwavering support and belief in me have been my driving force.

Lucy: *responds to Tim's kiss with equal passion, her heart fluttering with overwhelming affection* Tim, seeing how far you've come fills me with pride. You've faced every challenge with courage and determination, never once giving up. You inspire me every day, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life.

Tim: *holds Lucy close, reveling in the warmth of her embrace, feeling the strength of their bond as they share this intimate moment together* And I'm grateful for you, Lucy. You've been my light in the darkness, guiding me through the toughest moments. I promise to cherish every moment we share, for as long as we both live.

Lucy: *snuggles closer to Tim, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her chest, finding solace and peace in his presence* Tim, being here with you, in this moment, it's all I've ever wanted. You've shown me what it means to love unconditionally, to weather life's storms together, hand in hand.

Tim : *kisses Lucy's forehead* we should call Angela to tell her
Lucy : yes we should

Tim: *pulls out his phone and dials Angela's number* Hey, Angela, it's Tim. Lucy and I have some exciting news to share.

Angela: *excitedly* Hey, Tim! What's up?

Tim: *grins* We're leaving the hospital tomorrow morning! Can you come pick us up?

Angela: *delightedly* That's amazing news, Tim! Of course, I'll be there bright and early. But should I tell everyone?

Tim: Actually, we want to surprise everyone, so could you just let Wesley know? We want to see the look on everyone's faces when we show up.

Angela: *nods* Got it, Tim. Consider it done. Can't wait to see you both tomorrow!

Tim: Thanks, Angela. Oh, and Angela, there's something else. Lucy and I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for us. Your support, your kindness, it means the world to us.

Angela: *touched* Oh, Tim, you don't have to thank me. You're like family to Wesley and me. We'll always be here for you, no matter what.

Lucy: *smiles* Angela, we mean it. You've been such an incredible friend to us. We couldn't have gotten through this without you.

Angela: *tearfully* You two are making me cry. I'm just so happy for you both. You've been through so much, and you've come out stronger on the other side.

Tim: *gratefully* We owe a lot of that strength to you and Wesley, Angela. Your friendship has been our lifeline during some of our darkest days.

Angela: *sniffling* Okay, okay, enough with the tears. Let's focus on the excitement of tomorrow! I'll see you bright and early, okay?

Tim: *chuckles* Okay, Angela. Thanks again. We'll see you tomorrow.

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