Chapter 11

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*The doctor checks Lucy's vitals*

Doctor: *to Tim* She seems fine. If she's not awake in like 20 or 30 minutes, call me, okay ?
Tim : yes doctor, thanks.

*The doctor leaves the room*

*Tim is sitting on the chair, next to Lucy's bed. He caresses her face*

*Angela enters inside the room*

Angela : Hi Tim
Tim : Hey Angela
Angela : there is a problem ? I saw a doctor leaving the room.
Tim : yeah, Lucy fainted.
Angela : why ? Do we know the reason ?
Tim : probably her head trauma and her dehydration
Angela : and it happened like that ?
Tim : when she got up to go to the bathroom

*By text*
Wesley to Angela: is it a good moment to come to talk about the trial ?
Angela : no, not now
Wesley : I'll wait then
Angela : Thanks Wes, love u ❤️
Wesley : love u my angel 😘

*Back to reality*
Lucy : *moans*
Tim : Hey Luce
Lucy : Tim, what happened ? I'm dizzy.
Tim : you don't remember ? You wanted to go to the bathroom but you fainted.
Lucy : I only remember throwing up
Tim : you fainted just after
Lucy : why ?
Tim : 'cause of your head trauma and dehydration
Lucy : do you think I can drink ? My mouth is completely dry.
Tim : yes ofc, a nurse brought you water

*Tim gives Lucy a glass of water, but she is too weak to hold it*

Lucy : I've no more strength, can you help me?
Tim : obviously *he helps her drink a bit*
That's enough or do you want some more ?
Lucy : no that's fine

Lucy : *to Angela* hey Angela how's your detective work ?
Angela : fine, but you're smarter than most of my team reunited

*Lucy, Angela and Tim laugh*

Angela : I gotta go, Wesley is waiting for me, get some rest.
Tim : bye Angela, say hello to Wesley for us.
Angela : will do, bye
Lucy : bye

*Lucy and Tim are now alone*

Tim : do you wanna watch TV ?
Lucy : I do
Tim : what are we watching ?
Lucy : you choose
Tim : nope, you do
Lucy : what do you think of a movie related to the Avengers ?
Tim : I love these films.
Lucy : which one do you want ?
Tim : Captain America Civil War ?
Lucy : oh no, we're going to fight to say that Team Cap or Team Iron Man is right, like everytime we watch it.
Tim : oh yeah you right.
Lucy : what about Captain America: Winter Soldier ?
Tim : I know why you wanna watch this one
Lucy : why ?
Tim : because of the handsome guys
Lucy : well maybe but they are not as beautiful as you
Tim *kisses Lucy* go for Captain America WS then.

*They launched the movie but Lucy quickly falls asleep on Tim's chest. Tim doesn't finish the movie either, he falls asleep a couple of minutes after his girlfriend*

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