Chapter 111

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*Next morning*

*Both Tim and Lucy have their day off. It's the big day, the day of the proposal that Tim has been planning for weeks. It’s also their 2nd anniversary as a couple*

Tim: *as he wakes up* morning my love
Lucy: *slowly opens her eyes* hi
Tim: happy anniversary
Lucy: *opens her eyes wide* oh no it's today, I completely forgot. Happy anniversary babe

*They kiss*

Tim: I prepared a surprise for you
Lucy: really?
Tim: yep
Lucy: I feel guilty, I completely forgot that we've been together for 2 years today. *Looks down with tears in her eyes* I don't even have a present for you
Tim: *strokes her cheek trying to reassure her* hey hey babe it's okay. I don't want any present, you are my present
Lucy: *looks at Tim* you're perfect
Tim: For the surprise I prepared for you, we have to leave after lunch
Lucy: okay but what is the surprise ?
Tim: If I tell you it's no longer a surprise. You'll have to wait
Lucy: please, tell me
Tim: nope
Lucy: not even a clue?
Tim: the answer's still no
Lucy: *looks at Tim with puppy eyes* pleeeease
Tim: You won't get me so easily
Lucy: *turns back to Tim and pouts to try to get what she wants*
Tim: *gets closer to her* there's no point in pouting, you'll see what my surprise is after lunch

*Tim starts to tickle Lucy. She laughs hard*

Lucy: stop Tim
Tim: *continues*
Lucy: Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
Tim: you stop pouting?
Lucy: *keeps laughing and struggling* y... Yes
Tim: *stops* I'd rather hear you laugh than pout
Lucy: I pretended so that you would tell me your surprise
Tim: I know *he kisses her*
Lucy: So you're really not going to tell me?
Tim: not now
Lucy: that doesn't matter, I still love you *she kisses him*
Tim: love you too

*They have their breakfast, get ready and a few hours later have lunch*

*After lunch*

Tim: ready to go?
Lucy: yep
Tim: however, you're driving
Lucy: I don't even know where we're going
Tim: yes but I can't drive. I'll guide you through the streets of Los Angeles

*In the car, Tim guides Lucy as she drives. He has been meticulously planning this day for weeks, wanting to create a moment that'll be etched into their memories forever. With nerves tingling and excitement bubbling in his chest, Tim leads Lucy to the iconic Griffith Observatory, nestled high above Los Angeles.

*As they step out of the car, Lucy looks around in awe at the panoramic views stretching out before them. Tim takes her hand with his free hand as he has to hold his crutch with his other hand, a nervous smile playing on his lips as he leads her towards the entrance*

Lucy: Tim, what are we doing here? This place is incredible!
Tim: *grinning* You'll see, Lucy. I promise it's worth the wait. You've never been here before?
Lucy: no, it's the first time

*They make their way inside the observatory, the air alive with the hum of excitement and anticipation. Tim leads Lucy through the halls adorned with celestial wonders, the stars twinkling above them in the planetarium.*

*As they reach the rooftop terrace, Tim's heart skips a beat. Tim stops in front of Lucy, his eyes filled with love and adoration.

Tim: Lucy, my love, I need to tell you something. As I stand here before you, surrounded by the beauty of this city and the warmth of your love, I can't help but be overwhelmed by the journey we've shared. From the moment our paths crossed, fate wove our lives together in ways we could have never imagined. I never imagined dating a woman like you. From the moment I saw you, on your first day as an LAPD recruit, I fell in love with you. I was very hard on you when I was your TO to hide my feelings. I didn't think you felt the same way about me. The day you pretended to say that you were in love with me, I wanted to confess everything to you but I couldn't. You were still my boot. And I couldn't afford to date you otherwise you would have been transferred to another station. So I continued to hide my feelings.

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