Chapter 105

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*Tim and Lucy are sleeping on the couch when they hear a knock on the door. They wake up*

Tim: don't worry, I'll see who it is
Lucy : thank you

*Tim opens the door*

Tim: hey Angela
Angela: Everything's okay, guys?
Lucy: *rubs her eyes* Sorry for the wait, we kinda passed out on the couch.
Angela: *concerned* Are you two alright?
Tim: *stretching* Yeah, just a case of unexpected nap time. When we fell asleep, we didn't think we would sleep that much
Wesley: *chuckles* Happens to the best of us.
Angela : that means you really needed to sleep
Lucy: Come in, come in. We won't stay at the door. What's up?

Angela: *settling onto the couch* So, what have you two been up to lately?
Lucy: *glancing at Tim* Not much, just trying to take it easy during Tim's recovery.
Tim: *nodding* Yeah, the usual routine of rehab sessions and doctor's appointments.
Wesley: Sounds like you've been keeping really busy.
Tim: Definitely. But it's been good to have Lucy by my side through it all.
Lucy: *smiles warmly* Wouldn't want to be anywhere else
Angela: You know, Lucy, I've been meaning to ask how you've been holding up through all of this.
Lucy: *pauses, considering her response* It's been tough, Angela. But Tim's progress keeps me going. Seeing Tim getting better and better makes me want to support him even more
Tim: *squeezing her hand* And Lucy's been my rock through it all.
Wesley: *nodding* You two make quite the team.
Lucy: *grateful* Thanks, Wesley. We're doing our best.

Tim: So, what's the latest gossip from the legal world, Wesley?

Wesley: Oh, you know, the usual. But let's talk about something more interesting. Did you guys hear about that new restaurant downtown?
Lucy: The one with the fancy cocktails?
Angela: That's the one. We should check it out sometime.
Tim: Count us in.
Lucy: Definitely. Sounds like a plan. But we'll have to wait 'til Tim can drink alcohol again
Tim: I'm pretty sure they serve non-alcoholic cocktails

*Everyone laugh*

Angela: It's great to see you two in good spirits.
Tim: We're getting there, slowly but surely.
Lucy: Yeah, it's been a journey, but we're getting through it together.
Wesley: That's what friends are for, right?
Lucy: Definitely. We couldn't have done it without your support.

*After 3 hours*

Lucy : what time is it ?
Wesley: 9:30 p.m.
Tim: Time flies when you're having fun, huh?
Lucy: Sure does. But it's been great catching up with you guys.
Wesley: Absolutely. We'll have to do it again soon.
Angela: Definitely. But for now, we should let you two get some rest.
Lucy: Thanks for coming over, guys. It means a lot.
Angela: Anytime, Lucy. Take care, both of you.
Tim: Night, guys. See you soon.

*Angela and Wesley leave Tim and Lucy*

Tim: *as they settle onto their bed* You know, Lucy, even though we're not back at work yet, it's nice to know we've got friends like Angela and Wesley to support us.
Lucy: *nests closer to him* Yeah, it really is. They are our family. We'll get through this together, Tim. I promise.
Tim:*smiling* I know we will, Lucy. I know we will.

*Even though they slept almost all the afternoon, Tim and Lucy quickly fall asleep*

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