Chapter 85

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*3 p.m.*

*Judge Specter and DA Del Monte enter the room. Everyone stands up (once again, except for Tim)*

Specter : good afternoon everyone, you can sit down
Wesley : *whispers to Tim and Lucy* almost over

*Tim and Lucy nod*

Specter : This morning we heard the testimonies of the complainants and witnesses. Does anyone else in the audience have anything to say ?... No one ?... Okay we can continue, we will now hear from the lawyers, starting with Mr. Wesley Evers, lawyer for the complainants
Wesley : Thank you your Honor

*Wesley stands up*

Wesley : Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, esteemed members of the court,

Today, we stand here seeking justice and redress for the heinous crimes committed against Lucy and Tim by Rosalind Dyer and Stephen Romanoff. What occurred was not merely an act of violence, but a calculated attempt to shatter the lives of two innocent individuals.

Lucy and Tim, two individuals deeply in love, were subjected to a nightmare orchestrated by the defendants. They were ruthlessly targeted, their lives forever altered by the defendants' malicious intent.

Lucy, whose resilience has been tested in the fires of adversity, endured the physical and emotional trauma of a vicious attack. Her body may heal, but the scars that mar her spirit will endure long after this trial concludes. Tim, her beloved, lay in a coma for three agonizing months, teetering on the precipice between life and death. Though he has awakened, the shadow of that trauma still haunts him, a specter that refuses to release its grip.

But it is not merely their physical wounds that we seek to address here today. It is the psychological torment, the shattered dreams, and the stolen moments of joy that the defendants callously stripped away. Lucy and Tim still grapple with the aftermath, unable to return to the lives they once knew, unable to find solace in a world that has been irrevocably altered.

In addition to seeking justice, Lucy and Tim are also seeking damages. They seek not only to recover what was lost but to rebuild their lives from the ruins left in the wake of this tragedy. They seek compensation for the medical bills, the lost wages, and the pain and suffering inflicted upon them by the defendants' actions.

We must not allow the defendants' manipulative tactics to cloud our judgment. Justice demands accountability. It demands that we hold those responsible for such atrocities to the fullest extent of the law. We must stand as guardians of truth and righteousness, ensuring that Lucy and Tim find the closure and restitution they so rightfully deserve.

In the pursuit of justice and fair compensation, let us not falter. Let us not waver in the face of adversity. Let us, as a community bound by the principles of decency and compassion, deliver a verdict that speaks volumes not only for Lucy and Tim but for all those who have suffered at the hands of evil.

Thank you.

*Wesley sits down*

Specter : thank you mister Evers, mister Murdock, your turn.

Matt : thank you your Honor.

*Matt stands up*

Matt : Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, your honor, esteemed members of the court,

As we bring this trial to a close, it is imperative that we consider the evidence presented with a clear and unbiased mind. My clients, Stephen Romanoff and Rosalind Dyer, stand accused of grave crimes, crimes that have undoubtedly caused pain and suffering to Lucy and Tim. However, I urge you to look beyond the surface of these allegations and delve into the complexities of the situation at hand.

Stephen Romanoff, though implicated in the events that transpired, acted under the influence and coercion of Rosalind Dyer. It is crucial to recognize that Stephen was a pawn in Rosalind's elaborate scheme, manipulated and controlled by her from behind bars. While this does not absolve him of responsibility, it does shed light on the true mastermind behind this tragic series of events.

Rosalind Dyer, a woman already incarcerated for her own misdeeds, orchestrated the attempted murder of Lucy and Tim from her prison cell. Her cunning and manipulative nature knew no bounds as she preyed upon the vulnerabilities of others to achieve her sinister goals. It is she who should bear the brunt of accountability for the suffering inflicted upon Lucy and Tim, not her unwitting accomplice.

Furthermore, while the injuries sustained by Lucy and Tim are undoubtedly grievous, we must carefully consider the extent to which my clients are responsible for their ongoing struggles. The psychological trauma they endure is undeniable, yet it is not solely attributable to the actions of Stephen and Rosalind. There are myriad factors at play here, factors that extend beyond the scope of this courtroom.

In light of these considerations, I implore you to render a verdict based not on emotion or prejudice but on a fair and impartial assessment of the evidence before you. My clients have been cast as villains in this narrative, but I urge you to see them as individuals caught in the web of another's malevolence.

Thank you.

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