It's not like before.

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Request - Can you possibly do an imagine where y/n is a surgeon and comes home and starts crying because of being yelled at by patients all day kayce comes home to comfort her. Please? 

It was quiet in the foreman's cabin when you walked inside. Today had been brutal on you. You had two back-to-back surgeries today, and neither went well. You lost the first patient, a woman in her forties who was a police officer needing a repair from a bullet wound that hit her kidney. When you went in though, she was more damaged than anyone knew and you ended up losing her. The second surgery was on a ten-year-old, and while the surgery had been successful, his recovery time was going to be longer than you thought. Which meant it would cost more money that his family didn't have. The insurance companies weren't cooperating and you knew you had that battle to go in for tomorrow morning. 

The family of the first patient had, rightfully so, lost it in the waiting room when you told them. They yelled at you, called you worthless and a murderer. It wasn't the first time you had lost a patient, but that didn't make it easier. You had spent the next thirty minutes crying in the bathroom before getting ready to scrub in again. You had become a surgeon to help people, but days like today made you question all of it. 

"Kayce?" You called out, hearing how hoarse your voice was. 

Not hearing him, you made your way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. You stripped out of your scrubs and looked at them piled on the tile at your feet. Your whole body ached and your heart was heavy. Stepping into the shower, you felt the hot water run down your skin. Looking up at the ceiling, you felt tears come to your eyes again. 

It had been a rough few months for you personally too. Kayce had taken the Livestock Commissioner role from his father. That put him in more danger than he already found himself in, just this time he had a badge on him. The relationship with John was also never knew just how far you could step in between John and Kayce. You were terrified that Kayce was going to be placed in a situation he didn't have an out in. 

Every time an officer was brought into the ER, you worried it was Kayce. The two of you hadn't had the best of nights the past few weeks, typically ending in either an argument or tears...followed by Kayce sleeping on the couch. You loved him. More than you or he would ever comprehend, but you were scared to lose him. 


It was loud enough for you to hear it over the water but still soft. You jumped slightly, looking to your right and seeing Kayce standing with the shower door partially open. He looked about as tired as you felt. His eyes were soft as if he was scared or nervous with you. You could feel your wet hair lay against your shoulders and back. 

"I d-didn't hear y-you," You stutter as your hands come up to press against your chest. 

Kayce's eyes locked on yours and you knew he could see that you were crying. But there hadn't been a fight between the two of you for these tears, so he took a step closer to you, his jeans getting spatially wet. 

"What happened?" Kayce asked, reaching out and gently taking hold of your arm closest to him. 

You shook your head, not knowing how to start without pouring out the same words you've said over and over lately. 

"Uh..." You took a shaky breath. "Just was...a rough day at work." 

Kayce stepped inside the shower fully, shutting the door behind him. He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your form and holding you against him. His lips pressed against the side of your head as your nose touched his shoulder. 

"What happened?" Kayce asked again. 

His rough hands felt good on your skin as you stood there. The picture must have looked funny, Kayce clothed in his work attire and you naked, the water still coming down. 

"I lost a patient," You whispered into his shirt. 

"M'sorry," Kayce mumbled as his hand smoothed over your back. 

It was the most attention you had received from Kayce in a while and it felt good to you. You shut your eyes, letting your fingers grip onto his shirt. 

"She was..." You sighed, pushing back more tears. "An officer." 

Kayce's hands stopped moving but stayed on you. 

"Got shot and her kidney failed," You swallowed before pulling back and looking up at Kayce. "I tried to go in and repair but she didn't make it." 

Kayce let out a long breath. 

"These past few weeks I've yelled at you a lot," You felt a new sense of courage inside your chest and didn't want it to slip past you. "But today...hit a little too close to home for me." 

Kayce reached one of his hands to hold the side of your face. 

"I can't do that for you, Kayce," You shook your head, feeling tears come to your eyes again. "That's why I yell and fight you...I-I can't have you be on that table...i would l-lose it a-and I-"

"Hey," Kayce said softly and it made you shut your mouth. 

His warm caramel eyes looked into yours. He pushed your wet hair back from your face as he sighed heavily. You could tell he was thinking of his next words carefully. 

"It's not like before," Kayce said eventually. 

"What?" You asked softly. 

"It ain't like it was with me," Kayce said. "I know this job can be...dangerous at times...but I'm not like I was before." 

You were slightly confused as to where Kayce was going with this. But his other hands started to rub over your hip and you felt yourself lean into him. 

"Then what changed?" You asked him. 

"You," Kayce answered. 

"Me?" You asked, eyeing him now. "How have I changed you from before?" 

"Well...before I didn't have you," Kayce said. "Didn't have this...and now that I have this, I'll do everything in my power to make sure I come home to this." 

You blinked back at him. 

"You and I may be going through a rough patch right now," Kayce then smiled at you. "But we've both come home to each other every night regardless." 

You smiled at him. 

"I'm sorry for the last few weeks," Kayce continued. 

"No, Kayce," You shook your head but Kayce acted quickly and cupped both of your cheeks with his hands. 

"I'm sorry," He said again. 

You let out a long sigh, his words healing you more than you thought they would. You reached up and held his wrists. 

"Thank you," You told him. 

He leaned in and kissed you fully. His lips were smooth and you felt your knees go slightly weak as you kissed him back. When he pulled away you both were smiling. 

"Finish up and I'll get supper started," Kayce kissed you quickly again before stepping out. 

You scrubbed yourself clean and changed into one of his shirts and a pair of leggings before walking out to steaks and salads. The two of you sat on the couch tonight, instead of the table, and ate your meals. You ended up leaning aginst Kayce as he sipped on a glass of whiskey while your eyes watched the fire dance. 

Kayce's arm wrapped around you tightened as his phone bussed on the table next to you both. You leaned over and held up the phone to Kayce, showing that John was calling. Kayce looked at it until it stopped ringing. Giving him a questionable look, you lowered the phone. 

"I'm fine right here," Kayce said with a half-shrug. 

Smiling, you leaned back against him, all the other problems long forgotten for the rest of the night. 

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