chapter 1

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Jorge's pov

J: Thank you

*I said to the taxi driver who drove me in front of the hospital. My first working place. I can't believe that I found a job not even a week after leaving school. I entered the hospital and stood at the reception until a woman noticed me*

W: Hello. You are Jorge Blanco?

J: Yes

W: Follow me

*I followed her on the second floor. We passed a lot of doctors and their patients. From now on, I am one of them. The woman stopped at a wooden door, pointing at the door knob.*

J: Thank you miss

*I walked in the office and found a table where a man was sitting. He looked at me with a smile and pointed at the chair toward him as a sign that I should sit down*

??: Hello Jorge. My name is Samuel and I am the principal of this hospital. We are really grateful that you applied for the job here.

J: I thank you for giving me a chance

S: Let's see...

*He opened a file and read a paper with my personal informations*

S: Twenty five years old, very good results at school and college. I'm sure we will be happy with your work here.

J: I can assure you that I will do my best to help the patients. You can give me any patient. Even the most difficult case and I will do it.

*He smiled at the amount of courage I have and stood up, walking around the office*

S: This hospital is like no other. Every patient here is lost. Doctors didn't know what to do with them so they sent them here... This hospital is more like a madhouse. Can you change them into humans again?

*What he said made me doubt. But I got to my senses again and answered confidently*

J: Yes. Yes I can.

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