chapter 104

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Jorge's pov

J: She didn't pay for what?

*She thought for a while as I could see the sadness coming up*

M: I-I don't want to talk about it now. I'm sorry

J: That's alright, you can talk to me later or anytime you'll want to

M: Okay

J: ...what do you want to do outside tomorrow?

M: Oh, I know! I'd like to go to the funpark!

J: Great, I haven't been there since forever!


*I arrived at my parents' house and rang on the doorbell. My father opened with a smile*

Jd: Welcome Jorge!

J: Why so happy?

Jd: What can I do? I can't be sad all the time because your mother is getting worse

*I stepped in and headed to the bedroom where my mom is supposed to be. Then I heard voices. Stephie and her mother. They are already here.*

S: Hello Jorgie!

J: Hey. Hi mom, how are you feeling?

*I sat on the other side of the bed, holding my mom's hand. She really became weaker, I could feel that.*

J: Since when can't you walk? What did the doctor say? How much time?

*Noone answered the questions but when I looked at my mom again, I knew clearly. She won't be here more than two days.*

J: Why haven't they took you to the hospital?!

Jd: Jorge, your-

J: They are doctors! Freaking doctors and didn't move you to the hospital!

Jd: Your mother didn't want to go.

J: What

Sm: Ceci decided to stay here and...die here

S: Are you okay Jorgie? Mabye we should go out and talk

J: No, I don't want to talk.

Jm: Just... just promise me. That you will finally show me your other half. Just how you promised.

*I know exactly what she means. Me and my lover, introducing her hand in hand.*

S: Don't worry madam, I will take care of your son. We will live properly.

Jm: I'd like to... have some rest now.

J: Alright, we are leaving, so you can relax. I love you mother

Jm: Me too

*We left the room and Stephie's mother looked at me before heading to the exit*

Sm: You have your suit yet Jorge?

J: Eh... no ma'am.

Sm: Hurry up sweetheart, the day is coming

*She gushed and left me with Stephie.*

S: So? You've already quit seeing her?

J: Actually-

S: Because my father would go crazy and pretty dangerous if he'd find out that his son-in-law knows Tini

J: Tini?

S: Yeah. Anyway, I'm happy you listened to your soon-to-be wife. Love ya!

*She pecked my cheek and left. Tini...*

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