chapter 53

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Jorge's pov

*She turned around and looked at me standing towards her with a little bouquet of flowers. At that moment I lost all my words. She came closer, her cheeks in a shade of pink when she took the flowers*

J: At least a piece of nature will be in your room

*She didn't say anything at first, but I could shee her smile she was hiding*

M: ... Thank you. For everything.

*After finishing her sentence, she embraced me. I was shocked. But happy. Wrapping my arms around her back, I leaned against her ear and whispered*

J: I am doing this with pleasure

*She pulled away and looked at me with her beautiful smile. This is how I want to see her every day.*

Me: Guys, I am sorry but it's time to go back!

*Mechi yelled from the gate.*

J: We are coming!

*I said and turned back at Martina*

J: I am sorry but we have to go

M: That's okay. I had a great time here. And who said I can't come again?

J: That's right. But now let's go

*We walked back in, Mercedes closed the door and headed to the same direction as me and Martina*

Me: Did you enjoy it Martina?

M: Yes, this was an amazing experience, after such a long time

*I looked at Mechi who was smiling proudly. She is happy that Martina talks to her.*

M: I want to thank you for your care. You took care of me within all the years I've spent here.

*Mercedes had tears in her eyes when I pulled out a tissue from my pocket and gave it to her*

Me: Thank you

M: And I am sorry for making trouble with the medicine. They layed the blame on you. That was unfair.

Me: That is okay. I am happy that I can work for you.

*We stood in silence for a while...*

J: I think we should go

Me: Yeah, see you later

*Mechi separated from us and we continued in our way.*

??: So, the patient from the room 261 was moved to the room 128. Okay, thanks for informing me.

*A man's voice was heard right behind the corner. Martina jumped up in shock and hid behind me*

M: W-who is that... and... where is he going?

J: Sh.

*I said and peeked out. He was coming closer to us...*

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