chapter 108

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Jorge's pov

*I was driving to the nearest restaurant to get lunch for me and Martina when my phone started ringing.*

J: Damn it. Hello?

??: Hello Jorgie. I'm at your parents' house. Where are you?

J: I'm... I've already been there. And needed to go out, alone.

S: Where are you? I will come, we can talk

J: No, thank you. I want to be alone.

S: Well, alright then. And I need to tell you one thing. Our wedding is moving to another date. Becaue of... what happened.

J: Great. Thanks for telling me

S: I'll call you later. Love you

J: Yeah. Bye

*I hang up and noticed Martina looking at me sadly*

M: I don't like that you lie because of me. It's making me feel bad.

J: Don't feel bad, it's me who is lying here so no problem

M: What will you do when you're married to Stephie? You can't lie to her forever.

J: I hope I won't marry her. Really.

*We arrived at the restaurant and walked in. We sat at a table and ordered.*

M: When do you think I can get out of the hospital?

J: I don't know. Three weeks? Not much, that's certain.

M: I can't-

*Her sentence was interrupted by someone screaming my name*

J: Ruggero!

R: Hi!

C: We haven't seen each other since forever!

*They came over and joined our table*

C: Oh, will you introduce us to this pretty latina?

J: Sure, Cande, Rugge, this is Martina. She is-

R: We know who she is. Jorge told us about you a lot

M: He did?

R: Yeah, I am Ruggero, Jorge's best friend and this is Candelaria, my girlfriend

M: Nice to meet you

C: So, what are you two doing here?

J: I took Martina on a trip and we got hungry. Also... I need to tall you something.

R: You look sad. Is it- your mom?

J: Yeah... she's... passed away

*Their faces turned from happy to sad. They felt the same pain as I did.*

C: When?

J: Like... an hour ago

R: I'm sorry to hear that brother.

J: It's okay... I'll get over that... someday.

C: And... what about Stephie?

J: I need to cancel the wedding. Really. She did things.

R: Remember whatever happens, we'll be here for you. Right Cande?

C: Sure!

M: Mee too. I want to help you. As much as you help me.

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