chapter 31

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Jorge's pov

*Neither of them was able to answer me. That is serious. Very serious.*

J: Can you tell me what happened?

*No. They didn't talk, only looked at me with expressions that made me worry even more*

J: I don't want to spend the whole night here. Answer me please

*I said quite louder than before. That made my parents shocked*

Jm: Jorge, I am sick

J: Sick? Wh-what... please, tell me that it's just a flu or an allergy to something

Jm: No. I have... I have cancer.

*Cancer. This word. I hate this word. And now, I heard it from my own mother. She has cancer. My hands started shaking and I pulled the chair closer to my mother. I took her hand and looked in her eyes full of tears.*

J: How long do you know it?

Jm: About... two weeks...

J: Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Jd: We didn't know how...

J: And... how much time you have left?

*I said, trying to keep the tears in.*

Jm: I have a year, that is enough.

J: No... there has to be a way. Somehow, we have to-

Jd: No, there is no way Jorge.

J: I will try to find something-

Jm: Listen, I don't want to. I've already lived my life, now it's time for me to go.

J: Mother... are you sure?

Jm: Yes.

J: Alright. I respect your decision. Now, please. Excuse me.

*I stood up and hugged my mum tight. Then I left. It took me twenty minutes to get home I couldn't focus on the road. And turned wrong three times. Finally, when I arrived at home, I layed in my bed and let the tears come out. I was afraid of this moment. Now it came and I am helpless. That fact hurts me more than my mother... they say one year but she can pass away by every single day. She won't be here forever. Not for my father, nor her friends. Not for me.*

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